Missive #299 Published 23 June 2024
Continuing The Anti-Federalist Papers
Brutus IV
by Robert Yates
To the Citizens of the State of New-York
Missive #299 Published 23 June 2024
Continuing The Anti-Federalist Papers
Brutus IV
by Robert Yates
To the Citizens of the State of New-York
Missive #298 Published 21 June 2024
One of Nasruddin’s neighbors noticed him in the yard digging a hole. When he went to find out just what Nasruddin was doing, he saw that Nasruddin had dug many holes here and there.
“Why are you digging all these holes?” the neighbor asked.
Nasruddin stared at him wild-eyed. “I’m trying to find the money I buried here last year! Now I really need the money, but I can’t find the spot where I buried it.”
“Didn’t you use something to mark the spot?”
Missive #297 Published 18 June 2024
“Fraser’s rousing historical novel tracks the rise and fall of the real-life boxer Tom Molineaux, a Virginia slave who fought his way to freedom and then to celebrity in England in the early 1800s.”–New York Times Book Review Bringing historical fact spiritedly to life, Fraser tells the rollicking tale of how “the Black Ajax” became as famous a figure in England as Napoleon — and just as much a threat to its establishment — before he passed into boxing legend and created a precedent for modern black prizefighters. — Book promo @ Da Capo Press
Missive #296 Published 16 June 2024
Continuing The Federalist Papers.
Federalist No. 23
The Necessity of a Government as Energetic as the One Proposed to the Preservation of the Union
Author: Alexander Hamilton
To the People of the State of New York:
Missive #295 Published 15 June 2024
This may have been promoted as the final installment to the Saxon Tales but there was another book published. I'll get around to reading it soon but it is promoted as "completes his epic Last Kingdom series with this companion book featuring three exclusive short stories and sixty recipes that bring Uhtred’s world to life as never before."
Missive #294 Published 14 June 2024
Over time, Nasruddin had become famous for his wisdom and learning. As a result people came from near and far to ask him questions.“It’s actually for the good of the world that everyone follows their own path,” Nasruddin replied. “Just imagine: if everyone followed the same path and ended up at the same destination, the world would lose its balance, tip over, and we would all plunge into the abyss.”
Missive #293 Published 11 June 2024
I think this is the last of Twain's travel books. I have enjoyed them all but this one did not have as much of his celebrated humor in it as the book promo claims. Over the years I have read Twain's fiction and did not particularly care for it but he has a lot of other nonfiction that I do plan on reading.
Missive #292 Published 9 June 2024
Continuing The Anti-Federalist Papers
Brutus III
The Apportionment of Members Among the States
by Robert Yates
To the Citizens of the State of New-York
Missive #291 Published 8 June 2024
The Swords of the Horseclans is the second novel in the Horseclans Series by Robert Adams, published in 1975. The book is set in a post-apocalyptic world and follows the story of a group of survivors who form a clan and use swords to defend themselves against other groups. The novel is part of the series, which explores themes of survival, community, and the struggle for power in a harsh new world.
Missive #290 Published 7 June 2024
Nasruddin was chopping wood one day, working up quite a sweat. Finally he got so hot that he took off his turban and hung it carefully on a tree branch.