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Author name: Ed Frey

Missive #47 Published 10 March 2023

This could just as easily have been a dystopian novel placed in 2100. It is the first of the three alternate history novels of the Nantucket series. I plan on reading the other two in the trilogy plus more of S. M. Stirling's books

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Missive #46 Published 7 March 2023

Europe was in the throes of World War II, and when America joined the fighting, Ernie Pyle went along. Long before television beamed daily images of combat into our living rooms, Pyle’s on-the-spot reporting gave the American public a firsthand view of what war was like for the boys on the front. Pyle followed the soldiers into the trenches, battlefields, field hospitals, and beleaguered cities of Europe. What he witnessed he described with a clarity, sympathy, and grit that gave the public back home an immediate sense of the foot soldier’s experience.

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Missive #45 Published 5 March 2023

America, Islam, and Those Prison Photos, or
Maybe Our Side Isn't as Clueless as I'd Thought
By John Ross

Copyright 2004 by John Ross. Electronic reproduction of this article freely permitted provided it is reproduced in its entirety with attribution given.

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Missive #44 Published 3 March 2023

I now have both of my new prescription glasses. I got the bifocals about 10 days ago and have had the reading glasses for a few days. They are going to take a little longer for me to become adjusted to them. The reading glasses are great with one big exception; when I look up to see what is happening outside - the vision is very poor. I need to pull the glasses off. The bifocals with lines have been easier to adjust to since I have worn progressive bifocal glasses for years.

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Missive #43 Published 1 March 2023

An Interesting book for an overview of Adam's life that avoids the usual biography format. It also pointed me to the three other books that I have listed below. A good read.

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Missive #42 Published 26 February 2023

The Three-Body Problem is a science fiction novel written by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. The title refers to the three-body problem in orbital mechanics. I liked this book enough that I'll continue to read the series and hope that they are as good.It is the first novel of the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy, but the whole series is often referred to as Three-Body.

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Missive #41 Published 24 February 2023

I had rain on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this past week. Never a hard rain more like Cochise County has become part of the Northwest coast. Wednesday was the worse with very strong winds as I was driving to and from Sierra Vista with a steady rain the last ten miles when returning to Benson.

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Missive #40 Published 21 February 2023

I didn't find a Book Review for Volume One, which I was able to find as a book of its own, so have shown the table of contents to give an idea of what the book is about. It is a difficult read with run on sentences, late 19th century British English written by a 'intellectual'. About half of the chosen essays are written in defense of previous publications. I suggest that you read The Complicated Legacy of Herbert Spencer, the Man Who Coined ‘Survival of the Fittest’ before starting to read this book.

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Missive #39 Published 19 February 2023

I had a lot of trouble formatting the posting, shown below, by John Ross. I wanted to make it look as much as possible like what he had posted. To just copy and paste into WordPress does not work because there is formatting in the original article that does not work in WordPress.

What is forced me to do is learn how to apply 'padding' around the text in the Block Paragraphs and also how to create a Group Block and then apply 'padding' to it. A learning experience that took a lot of time.

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Missive #38 Published 107February 2023

I don't have much to say today. Just complain about the cold weather some more. Yesterday morning the low was 16°. It had warmed up to 22 by 8:00 but I had frozen water pipes to the bathroom sink; the other lines were still open which was good. The high temperature on Wednesday was 46 with a stiff wind blowing almost all day. If the weather gurus can be believed, which I seldom do, the low temperature next Monday morning will be higher than that. They then have the rest of the morning lows for the 10 day forecast to all be in the 40s. I sure do hope they are right; I will even be happy with above freezing.

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