Missive #57 Published 7 April 2023

The most sweeping account of how neoliberalism came to dominate American politics for nearly a half century before crashing against the forces of Trumpism on the right and a new progressivism on the left.
Missive #57 Published 7 April 2023
The most sweeping account of how neoliberalism came to dominate American politics for nearly a half century before crashing against the forces of Trumpism on the right and a new progressivism on the left.
Missive #56 Published 2 April 2023
I would classify this book as being a historical parody. It is one of about an half dozen of Kunstler's books that were out of print. This one has been brought back to life maybe I can find the others. It is a fun read!
Missive #55 Published 31 March 2023
This is not a historical fiction novel which Cornwell is known for. The first of five sailing thrillers that I enjoyed. Probably will not be more. Cornwell had this to say "I enjoyed writing the thrillers, but suspect I am happier writing historical novels. I’m always delighted when people want more of the sailing books, but I’m not planning on writing any more, at least not now — but who knows? perhaps when I retire."
Missive #54 Published 28 March 2023
I couldn't find a book promo for this book and the very few customer reviews were nothing that I wanted to copy. So I will simply say that there are twelve essays that have been compiled as a book. From some of them I have extracted quotes that are show below.
Missive #52 Published 24 March 2023
This is a much different book than were the Flashman books. This is pure history not historical fiction. It is a good companion read to Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer.
Missive #50 Published 17 March 2023
This is the third book in the Time of Troubles Series and book five in The Videssos Cycle. As always Turtledove write a good story. A recommended book and series of books.
Missive #49 Published 14 March 2023
This is the last in the Grail Quest tetralogy. I'm going to miss reading more about Thomas of Hookton. But there are many more Cornwell novels awaiting to be read. A great historical fiction writer.
Missive #47 Published 10 March 2023
This could just as easily have been a dystopian novel placed in 2100. It is the first of the three alternate history novels of the Nantucket series. I plan on reading the other two in the trilogy plus more of S. M. Stirling's books
Missive #46 Published 7 March 2023
Europe was in the throes of World War II, and when America joined the fighting, Ernie Pyle went along. Long before television beamed daily images of combat into our living rooms, Pyle’s on-the-spot reporting gave the American public a firsthand view of what war was like for the boys on the front. Pyle followed the soldiers into the trenches, battlefields, field hospitals, and beleaguered cities of Europe. What he witnessed he described with a clarity, sympathy, and grit that gave the public back home an immediate sense of the foot soldier’s experience.
Missive #43 Published 1 March 2023
An Interesting book for an overview of Adam's life that avoids the usual biography format. It also pointed me to the three other books that I have listed below. A good read.