I have had an eventful week with the left eye cataract surgery on Monday then the first post op appointment on Tuesday. When I got back to the Park from that appointment I found that I had no 12v to the outlet where I recharge all my 12v watches and the E-collar for Erik.
I want to post the meds that Patches received last week so I have a record of what they were. When I got home with them I saw that the prescription labels on the bottles had someone else's name on them. That was not a big issue except for the Tranadol (a controlled substance). I could find myself in trouble with the law for possessing someone else’s prescription medication. I stopped at the vet yesterday and got the labels corrected.
Patches is much better. She climbs the steps slowly and is somewhat unsteady in doing it but does not hesitate when told to go into Desperado. Last week, and for the prior couple of months, she didn't want to climb the stairs. I knew she must be suffering because she was no longer the Patches that I have known for eleven years. Not much better about peeing in her bed however; she did that again.
Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 6, 1935
Shown below are predictions by James Howard Kunstler for what is going to happen in 2023. Read his entire article here
Missive #15 Published 4 January 2023
I took Patches to All Creatures Veterinary Service yesterday fully prepared to have her put down. She has not been willing to climb the steps into Desperado for a couple of weeks now. A few days ago when I tried to pick her up she squealed in pain. Plus she has peed in her bed twice during the last 10 days and can no longer do our walks at the usual pace or distance. The vet there has given me some meds that she thinks will correct those issues and keep Patches alive for an unknown time yet. We will see.Missive #13 Published 30 December 2022
Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: December 30, 1934
Erik had a good day at his last Wednesday group training class. He did almost everything that the trainer required that he was to do. He still needs more training with the Down command but he is better with that also. At the end of the class one of the other dog owners came up to me and said that she was impressed with how well Erik had done. I wish Erik could have heard her and understood the compliment.
Missive #12 Published 28 December 2022
I struggled to finish reading this book and the customer review expresses my thoughts. I disagree only about the character development. He develops character after character until it is like a clown car at the circus; they just keep coming and keep coming.
Missive #10 Published 23 December 2022
This is a great collection of stories about a soldier that anyone who has ever served in the military will readily recognize. A fun read — Recommended.