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Missive #458

A hallowed place it may be, but No 5 Caper Court in the Inner Temple is riddled with rumour and uncertainty. The head of chambers is dying; there is a move afoot to leave the Temple for Lincoln’s Inn; and Leo Davies, the QC with the charmed and amoral life, is about to take one risk too many. Behind him lie a failed marriage, a string of lovers, and a habit of seductive cruelty which, Another good book in the series. There are 5 more in the series, so it could get very interesting. until now, has left him unscathed. But at least two chickens are coming home to roost: Rachel, his ex-wife and a lawyer herself is ready to do anything necessary to protect her son from his father; and Sarah Colman, who arguably knows more of Leo’s secrets than anyone, has come to be a pupil at Caper Court. Then there is Joshua, beautiful, uncommitted – and looking for a safe haven. — Review @ fantasticfiction.com

I got all the image files in the same folders using Media Library Organizer that FileBird had before. It requires more active intervention by the user to work with the Organizer but I can select images for my postings whereas with FileBird I could not.

I also started one of the two other issues that I found while doing the file project. The first one is to complete the WordPress page for my 1989 Australian trip. I started that last summer while at Cruzville but the internet connection was so poor that I gave it up and then forgot about it. The second issue is the WordPress page that has my Europe slide show is no longer sliding; I haven’t started to look into that. With any luck I’ll finish with those two things and move on to new problems.

On Thursday I received sleeves for my two tablets. Ordered them on Etsy and they came from England in about three weeks. They will probably provide limited protection from serious abuse but I got them to keep the dust off them and maybe prevent screen scratching.

I have no word from uBrakeiFix about the status of my System 76 laptop. With no word I’m assuming that they haven’t been able to boot it up. Fixed or not I plan on going to Sierra Vista on the 20th to pick it up. I did find that it was available for pickup using a tracker number but still don’t know if it boots up or not.

I did a very cold mid day walk yesterday with the temperature in the low 50s and winds at 15 – 25 mph. Then about the time I would have gone out for our afternoon walk the temperature dropped to the lower 40s with rain. Not a lot of rain and for only a short time but I canceled our walk. This morning was below freezing again and it looked like it was snowing on the Mule Mountains. A typical Spring in Cochise County; warming later next week with winds.

2 thoughts on “Missive #458”

  1. Like my weather research in 2021 before I moved, we have similar weather this time of year in Indiana. Sounds like a lot of WordPress fun going on. I use to have blogs on WP, paid for domain names etc. It will be interesting to see if your laptop boots up, hoping for the best. I just realized the other day, my MacBook Air turns 10 years old this May … but it is no longer a daily user.

    1. I have been able to see, using a tracking #, that my laptop is ready for pickup but don’t know if it booted. I’m thinking positive that it did. You would think they would have contacted me if it didn’t; but thinking negative, maybe not.

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