Missive #466 Published 23 March 2025
Continuing The Federalist Papers.
Federalist No.43
The Same Subject Continued: The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered
Author: James Madison
To the People of the State of New York:
Missive #466 Published 23 March 2025
Continuing The Federalist Papers.
Federalist No.43
The Same Subject Continued: The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered
Author: James Madison
To the People of the State of New York:
Missive #465 Published 21 March 2025
79. A Token of Friendship
One of Nasruddin’s dearest friends was moving away to a distant city.Missive #464 Published 20 March 2025
This was the first in a series of romantic suspense books (2006) that is not nearly as good as The Patient's Secret (2022). I'll continue reading the series and subsequent ones just to see how the author improved her writing over the years. It is not a bad book but is somewhat a bodice ripper published by Harlequin Romantic Suspense.
Missive #463 Published 18 March 2025
As the war which consumes Dervelai drags on, the reserves of Algarve are ever more stretched. King Mezentio's armies become sucked into the huge landmass of Unkerlant. As more and more of the hated Kaunians are sacrificed for blood magic, conquered races are indected into the Algarvian army, and their fighting edge becomes blunted. While at home, both men and women come to doubt the war and its purposes. Harry Turtledove's blending of World War Two with fantasyhas already gained enormous praise. As a myriad of characters deal with reality, this is a tapestry of the finest writing the genre can create.
Missive #462 Published 16 March 2025
Continuing The Anti-Federalist Papers
Cato V
by George Clinton
To the People of the State of New York:
78. Jokes in the Coffeehouse
Nasruddin and his friends were sitting in the coffeehouse, and one of them decided to tell a joke. It was a very long joke, and the man told the joke very badly.Missive #460 Published 11 March 2025
Tells the stories of explorers, mountain men, missionaries, thieves, settlers, naturalists, and writers associated with the Sierra Nevada Mountains and discusses the history of the region.
This is the ninth in the American Folkways Series and like most of them it has almost nothing on the web about it. It also has almost no readers at Amazon or goodreads.com.
Missive #459 Published 9 March 2025
Continuing The Federalist Papers.
Federalist No.42
The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered
Author: James Madison
To the People of the State of New York:
Missive #458 Published 8 March 2025
A hallowed place it may be, but No 5 Caper Court in the Inner Temple is riddled with rumour and uncertainty. The head of chambers is dying; there is a move afoot to leave the Temple for Lincoln's Inn; and Leo Davies, the QC with the charmed and amoral life, is about to take one risk too many. Behind him lie a failed marriage, a string of lovers, and a habit of seductive cruelty which, until now, has left him unscathed. But at least two chickens are coming home to roost:..
Missive #457 Published 7 March 2025
77. The Cabbage and the Cooking-Pot
Nasruddin and his friends were sitting in the coffeehouse, boasting.
“I once grew a cucumber as long as my arm,” one man said.
“That’s nothing!” said another. “I once grew a watermelon as big as a sheep.”
“Ha!” said another. “I’ve got you both beat: I once grew a head of cabbage that was as large as an elephant.”
Then Nasruddin said, “Just yesterday I bought a cooking-pot as big as a polo field.”
“That’s ridiculous!” the men shouted at Nasruddin. “Why would anyone want a pot that big?”
“In order to cook that head of cabbage!” replied Nasruddin, smiling.