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Missive #121

“First published in 1939, these three short novels secured the author’s reputation as a master of short fiction.
These are thee very good stories that the author wished to be called short novels not novellas. She wrote mostly short stories with only one completed novel. The book that I read had a Cronology of her life that was an interesting read as well. She was married four times and quite a minx even into her more mature years. A good read. From the gothic Old South to revolutionary Mexico, few writers have evoked such a multitude of worlds, both exterior and interior, as powerfully as Katherine Anne Porter. This collection gathers together the best of her Pulitzer Prize-winning short fiction, including Pale Horse, Pale Rider, where a young woman lies in a fever during the influenza epidemic, her childhood memories mingling with fears for her fiancé on his way to war, and Noon Wine, a haunting story of tragedy and scandal on a small dairy farm in Texas. In all of the compelling stories collected here, harsh and tragic truths are expressed in prose both brilliant and precise.” — Book promo @ goodreads.com

We did a shortened morning walk yesterday and this morning. I think I’ll leave it at that pace for the next few days before adding back a mid day walk of any distance. I’m feeling better, still have some night sweats but not as heavy. The ‘flash’ did not produce quite the bright red that I have called my ‘baboon butt’ in the past and I think it is fading faster than in the past. So getting well.

After the walk we went to town knowing that Ella’s was going to be closed we were later than usual expecting the Main Street 345 Grill would be open at 8:00 am. Alas, they were having some electrical work done and would open at 9:00. So went to Jack’s and got some groceries then waited until 9:00.

There were maybe 6 people there when I got back and placed my breakfast order. It took over a half hour to get it. A very good veggie omelet but not so good coffee. I think their lunch and dinner menus are sort of California Fofo if the omelet I had was an example. I will say the price was right so it is worth a stop if you have plenty of time.

This morning I had a hell of of a time doing any web surfing or even checking my email. Getting connected to the Internet for this posting was impossible for well over an hour. Verizon was not working at all and the Park internet router was giving me 2 to 100 bps service off and on. The Park and surrounding area is full of elk bow hunters which I think are sucking up all the band width.

One of my alt-News sites, Cyberattack on This Journal — Proving Truth Is the First Casualty of War, was attacked again. They had been unavailable for about 10 days or so until I found where they had relocated. If the USSR could not prevent Samizdat what makes the United States think they can do a better job censoring dissidents — hubris?

“In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices.” — New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

This statement is sparking an amount of outrage, mostly among those who feel they were forced to get vaccinated, and while the outrage is understandable, the man is telling no more than the literal truth. Virtually no one was actually compelled to get vaccinated, as we were all presented with choices. To be threatened with the loss of one’s job, the inability to play a sport, to drink in a club, or to eat in a restaurant, the cancellation of one’s college acceptance or one’s travel plans, may be unpleasant, but it is still to be presented with a choice. — Remember This Next Time by Vox Day

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