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Missive #438

72. Nasruddin’s Ladder

Nasruddin was fond of fruit, and he was also fond of raiding his neighbor’s orchards.

One night he had just lowered a ladder into someone’s orchard in order to raid it, but the orchard’s owner caught him in the act.

“What are you doing with that ladder?” the man shouted at him.

“Are you talking about this ladder?” asked Nasruddin. “Well, to tell the truth, I’m just trying to sell this ladder.”

“You can’t sell a ladder here!” the man replied.

“I beg to differ,” said Nasruddin indignantly. “A ladder can be sold anywhere! Do you want to buy it?”

This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

I have had a learning experience for the past couple of days. Installing a VirtualBox Virtual Machine (VM) on my laptop that is running Zorin Linux. I say it it is a learning experience simply because I haven’t done anything other than learn how to NOT add Windows 10 (the VM) to the VirtualBox. I am reasonably sure that I have the VirtualBox installed correctly but fail to open Windows 10 — repeatedly. I think I’m now at the point where I’m doing the same things over and over expecting a different result. Thought I would give that a rest and try VMware Workstation Player and had the same results — repeated failures. I guuess I give both of them a rest and maybe give it another try in a few days.

There was some light snow in Bisbee yesterday. I could see a few traces of it remaining when I went to town and had breakfast at the Bisbee Breakfast Club again. Their prices are now about a dollar cheaper than The Mornings Café’s have been the past two weeks. Grocery gathering was quickly done and back to the Campground. We did not get any snow but had a very light rain and cold. We had four mornings that were above freezing but now back to below freezing once again; but the weather guessers think that is only for a couple of days and then above freezing for the rest of the 10 day forecast. I hope they are right.

I lost my use of Starlink yesterday morning around 8:00 so this posting is being done on Saturday and backdated. I think I reached the 50GB threshold that that plan allowed. Now that I was able to see how much data I have used I confirmed that my thinking was correct I’m at 57GB and have been shut off. The 7GB overage would cost me $7 which is not worth it; I’ll get service back tomorrow or Monday.

2 thoughts on “Missive #438”

    1. That is what a lot of the negative comments about the Mini and the Rome 50 Plan say. I can live with the 50GB limit and only exceed it when I was screwing around trying to install Windows 10 on a Virtual Machine. Day to day usual browsing and blogging is not a problem.

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