71. Nasruddin the Nightingale
Nasruddin had broken into an apricot orchard and climbed a tree.
As he was stuffing his pockets with apricots, the owner of the orchard discovered him.
“What are you doing up in that tree?” the man shouted.
Nasruddin said nothing.
“I repeat: what are you doing up there?”
“Are you talking to me?” asked Nasruddin.
“Yes, you!”
“I’m just a nightingale,” said Nasruddin. “This tree is my home.”
“If you’re a nightingale, sing!” said the man.
Nasruddin sang. He sang very badly.
“You don’t sound like a nightingale!”
“I’m a young nightingale,” said Nasruddin. “I’m still just learning to sing.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

Many years ago I would tell people that I wanted to live long enough to become a burden on society — then society would kill me. It is now coming to pass in Europe, Canada and in 50 US states so my facetiousness comment from those many years ago was a premonition.
When doctors are owned by the Government then the Government’s priorities take over. And so the elderly, who are regarded as an expensive burden, are considered expendable.
In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die – and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. — If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead by Dr. Vernon Coleman
This is a continuation of the USPS Tracking that for some reason I could no longer get using LibreWolf but could with FireFox, Chrome or Floorp Browsers. I finally got the package in the afternoon of 22 January.
Delivered, In/At Mailbox MC NEAL, AZ 85617 January 22, 2025, 11:38 am
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 2:25pm MC NEAL, AZ 85617 January 22, 2025, 8:04 am
Arrived at Post Office MC NEAL, AZ 85617 January 22, 2025, 7:53 am
Arrived at USPS Facility MC NEAL, AZ 85617 January 22, 2025, 7:44 am
Departed USPS Regional Facility TUCSON AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER January 22, 2025, 4:56 am
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility TUCSON AZ DISTRIBUTION CENTER January 21, 2025, 9:30 am
With the problem I have using a Security Key at id.me and the recent problem I had with USPS Tracking I have changed browsers on my laptop again. I’m now using FloorP which is a FireFox fork much like LibreWolf but it does not have those problems. So far I like it; it is much the same as LibreWolf with some ‘character’ of its own. The transfer of Bookmarks was surprising easy with just some cleaning up that I should have done in LibreWolf.
To quote one commentator: “Well, in their defense, the (lefties) did say it would be a cold day in hell before Trump would set foot in the Oval Office again. And here we are….”