That didn’t take long. Last Friday I posted that military veterans would be called the terrorist in this country and that same day Fox News reported this:
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell argued that Americans should look to their fellow citizens, specifically U.S. military personnel, and not illegal immigrants, as instigators of terrorism within the U.S. in a segment Thursday.
“The simple fact is, this country has suffered more deadly terrorism at the hands of American-born citizens who are veterans of the United States military than people who have crossed into this country at the southern border,” O’Donnell said. “It is very clear from the evidence that if you want to worry about terrorism in this country, the United States Army is a much bigger problem than the southern border.”…
O’Donnell used examples of military veterans, including Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist behind the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, to argue that American veterans have perpetuated more violence than immigrants have in U.S. history.
“Timothy McVeigh parked a truck outside that building loaded with explosives in an act of homegrown American terrorism,” O’Donnell said. “Timothy McVeigh’s hatred of the American government was not tamed in any way by his service in the American military. So, too, with America’s latest terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve, with an American military veteran driving a pickup truck through a crowd to murder 14 people.”
The Liveberger Manifesto (email) has brought the east coast drone News back to life. Perhaps this was why the FBI was surveilling him. It may also be why there are people that think his suicide ranks with Epstein’s. There is a lot of story here that will not be told!
“What we have been seeing with ‘drones’ is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft by, most recently, China in the East Coast, but throughout history, the U.S. Only we and China have this capability,” the alleged email reads. “China has been launching them from the Atlantic from submarines for years, but this activity recently has picked up.” — Matthew Livelberger Drone Theory by Newsweek

I have traveled across this country and taken a decade-long deep dive into what is happening “out there” — away from the silent banks of the Erie Barge Canal and far from the monthlong bouts of overcast that darken the NYS Thruway. In spending extensive amounts of time visiting all forty-eight contiguous United States, I have found something that any exponent of ‘economic revitalization’ would find shocking: You do not want what you think you want. Whenever I have had the displeasure of visiting a place with a proliferation of ‘good jobs’, I found interstates choked with traffic, ungodly high rents and unaffordable homes, and a soulless ugliness so gaspingly extensive that it chokes out all manner of local color, romantic history, and eccentric beauty. — Upstate Fatalism by A. M. Hickman

This is sort of another 2025 prediction, at least a good interview with Hudson.
Today’s world economy is as good as it gets… almost any specific forecast we make is likely to be wrong because there are so many variables at work and competing interests at play. But actually, this is what mathematicians call an optimum position. &hellip:[A]n optimum position is technically one that, wherever you move, it’s going to be worse. — As Good As It Gets by Michael Hudson
There’s a reason I don’t watch Fox news,above is a big one .Stay warm and enjoy Erik,I miss having my dogs. –Mary
This next week is going to be COLD here if the forecast is right. I still miss Patches from time to time but Erik loves me like she never did. He is a GREAT dog!