Nasruddin was sitting in the coffeehouse drinking coffee with one of his friends. They were talking about this and that, and Nasruddin’s friend asked, “Just how old are you, Nasruddin?”
“I’m fifty years old,” replied Nasruddin, taking a sip of his coffee.
His friend thought for a moment and then said, “Fifty years old? Really? I’m sure that’s what you told me when I asked you your age several years ago.”
“That’s right. I said I was fifty years old then, and I’m sticking to my story!” said Nasruddin. “I’m a man of my word; you can count on it.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

A lot going on this past week. In my last post I had a list that showed a ★ with the list inset from the other text. You may think that this was nothing special, and you would be right. However, it took some hours on Sunday and then some more on Monday to finally get that to look like nothing special. WordPress has a List Block that presents a list with a ● bullet that is in line with all the other text. I did not like that. So, I coded what I wanted in a Paragraph Block. Then spent even more time trying to save that as a Reusable Block Which WordPress now calls a Pattern.
It was also on Monday that I got an email from the VA that said they now had an app that I could use in my tablet to connect to My HeathVet. So I installed it, plugged in my key for the second level verification and it didn’t work because the tablet was not locked. Locked it using a Pin # and it still did not work. Gave up. Went to unlock the tablet using the Pin that I had just used and it would not unlock — it still will not unlock. I have wasted a LOT of time with a VERY long Samsung Chat that accomplished nothing. I had the computer repair guy in Benson give it a go on Wednesday.
That trip to Benson on Wednesday included a breakfast at the Horseshoe restaurant. Then about a block down the street was Ah Hello Be You Tiful a beauty salon where I went to get a hair cut. I had found on the web that they opened at 8:00 — — at 8:10 they were not open. So I went to Safeway and did my grocery gathering and from there to Frontier Fitness Club. Within the Club there is a woman that cut my hair a year ago when I was staying in Benson and I found that she was still there and was open. I got my hair cut for the same price she charged a year ago!
By then it was after 9:00 when Keast’s Computer World, the computer repair guy, was open. Left my Samsung with him to unlock after he got his software tool updated and uploaded while I went to Sarge’s Sidearms to pick up my Henry. When I got there at 10:00, the store opening time, there was a sign on the door Closed Today. I was ticked! Went back to Keast’s and told him I was going to have to come back next week so he had until then to get the Samsung unlocked and remove the ‘bloatware’ from it. As I was driving out of town I went past Sarge’s and din’t see the Closed sign so stopped and was able to pick up my Henry. I still need to go back next week and get the Samsung or maybe not if it can’t be unlocked.
I have also had to deal with a Polar Flow update which changed some of my Settings. This used up more time than was necessary since it takes me a long time to find out how to get the Setting back to what I had. I wish to hell that the programmers would leave what works alone! Job security. Its like a road crew digging holes in the road one day so they will have a job the the next day.
That Polar Flow issue happened before the Samsung lockout. What I have had to do is start using the old Fire 8 again which needed to have the Polar Flow app & Strava app added and all the Settings and Pairing done again. There was more settings to be made and general file clean up to have the Fire functioning as much as possible like the Samsung. It has been an eventful week. HA
The Polar Flow app gives me a lot more information than I ever had from Garmin. This is both good and bad; it just gives me more things to think about fixing. I was looking at my Pace since I had those few days were I felt like I was lagging a bit. It did show that I had slowed down during those days but overall my Pace and Cadence are what is the average for a 60 – 69 year old male. I guess I can live with that. HA
Sounds like you have had quite a time in your digital device world. I agree about the programmers. Leave things alone. I do not have to go into that detail but at times after an Apple update things have moved or the settings have changed. I wish I could convert you to Apple devices. I rarely have the problems you write about. It sounds like you have a good pace for your walks. Do you ever check your heart rate as you are walking?
Most of my digital device problems are a result of trying to go cheap. I get what I pay for. HA
I may glance at my heart rate while walking but check my pace more often. I then will review everything on Polar Flow after the walk is finished.