A woman bears her brother’s child, a boy. The brother leaves the baby in the woods and tells her he died of natural causes.

In my posting of 9 January I ‘talked’ about the shipping address for my Wal*Mart purchase. Other than the help I solicited from my Park host here I also contacted the RV Park in Benson and told them that a package was to delivered in error and gave the correct address here. FedEx did arrive with the package before my email so they were told to return to shipper. I think it was then the Sierra Vista FedEx that called the RV Park later that after noon and was given the changed address. I got it yesterday. The Wal*Mart Customer Support rep had no clue what should be done. India Customer Support reps are almost worthless for the customer.
What was in the package; what did I buy? I got a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite to replace my Amazon Fire 8 which is showing signs that it is going to die. The setup was started as soon as I got the package open and has been relatively pain free so far. I was able to get connected to my MIFI much easier than I was anticipating and was even able to Sync the Bookmarks from Fire 8 over to the A7 Lite. Over the next few days I’ll see if I can get all the apps that I have been using to also work on the new tablet.
Wow, congratulations for getting all of that
taken care of! I have had a few issues with various companies’ delivery
attempts, it takes a lot of patience to deal with their mistakes….I try to put myself in their place, underpaid, trying to function in an environment that offers more problems than solutions , then their boss takes the credit when a customer’s satisfied
Pet Erik for me,
I gave Erik some extra attention and told him it was coming from Mary. He seemed to appreciate it.
Getting online deliveries when you are in a Sticks-N-Bricks is usually not that much of a problem. Getting that same delivery when you live in an RV Park is a whole different story. It is usually a problem; when it isn’t a problem is the exception. I have another order out that the vendor has now asked me three times for information regarding the shipping address. I suspect that the vendor does not have the item I have ordered and he is doing this to give him time to get it.