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Missive #199

A woman bears her brother’s child, a boy. The brother leaves the baby in the woods and tells her he died of natural causes.MaCarthy was known for his graphic depictions of violence and his unique writing style, recognizable by a sparse use of punctuation and attribution. That is very true of this book although not so much in his Border Trilogy. I did not like this one as well as that series or his first book but will read more of his. Discovering her brother’s lie, she sets forth alone to find her son. Brother and sister wander through a countryside being scourged by three terrifying strangers, toward an apocalyptic resolution.

In my posting of 9 January I ‘talked’ about the shipping address for my Wal*Mart purchase. Other than the help I solicited from my Park host here I also contacted the RV Park in Benson and told them that a package was to delivered in error and gave the correct address here. FedEx did arrive with the package before my email so they were told to return to shipper. I think it was then the Sierra Vista FedEx that called the RV Park later that after noon and was given the changed address. I got it yesterday. The Wal*Mart Customer Support rep had no clue what should be done. India Customer Support reps are almost worthless for the customer.

What was in the package; what did I buy? I got a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite to replace my Amazon Fire 8 which is showing signs that it is going to die. The setup was started as soon as I got the package open and has been relatively pain free so far. I was able to get connected to my MIFI much easier than I was anticipating and was even able to Sync the Bookmarks from Fire 8 over to the A7 Lite. Over the next few days I’ll see if I can get all the apps that I have been using to also work on the new tablet.

2 thoughts on “Missive #199”

  1. Wow, congratulations for getting all of that
    taken care of! I have had a few issues with various companies’ delivery
    attempts, it takes a lot of patience to deal with their mistakes….I try to put myself in their place, underpaid, trying to function in an environment that offers more problems than solutions , then their boss takes the credit when a customer’s satisfied
    Pet Erik for me,

    1. I gave Erik some extra attention and told him it was coming from Mary. He seemed to appreciate it.

      Getting online deliveries when you are in a Sticks-N-Bricks is usually not that much of a problem. Getting that same delivery when you live in an RV Park is a whole different story. It is usually a problem; when it isn’t a problem is the exception. I have another order out that the vendor has now asked me three times for information regarding the shipping address. I suspect that the vendor does not have the item I have ordered and he is doing this to give him time to get it.

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