There is more to this latest volume in the”Mainstream of America” Series (Lewis Gannett, Editor) than is indicated by the subtitle: The Settling of the Eastern Shores, 1607-1735. As is proper, the author, a professor of English at the University of Connecticut and author of four similar studies, writes of time and place, problems and personalities, in the early American settlements on the Atlantic seaboard,

Tuesday morning I went to the Coyote Den Restaurant for breakfast. This is the second restaurant in Wellton that is open between 7:00 -8:00 that I will be going to on my shopping days. Tuesday was not a shopping day but I did go to Del Sol to see if the manager had been able to order some non-dairy yogurt. She said that the food supplier that she deals with does not carry any. Strange but that is what it is.
The only other news is that I have had a very painful front tooth for the past few days. I have gone through this a couple of times before and know that those lower two front teeth will have to go someday. I’m just hoping that it gets better while I’m here; it seemed to be improving yesterday.

Posed in front of an American flag and a large banner reading “A Future Made in America Phoenix, AZ,” Joe Biden told a crowd of assembled workers, supporters and media last December: “American manufacturing is back, folks.”
Eight months on, the Phoenix microchip plant – the centerpiece of Biden’s $52.7bn US hi-tech manufacturing agenda – is struggling to get online.
The plant’s owner Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the largest chip maker in the world, has pushed back plans to start manufacturing to 2025, blaming a lack of skilled labor. It is trying to fast-track visas for 500 Taiwanese workers. — They would not listen to us’: inside Arizona’s troubled chip plant by Michael Sainato