On Valentine’s Day, four members of the Coverdale family were murdered in the space of fifteen minutes. Their housekeeper, Eunice Parchman, shot them one by one in the blue light of a televised performance of Don Giovanni.

I added three more pages to the Bulgaria project on Saturday. Or I should say that I thought I had. What I did was I added them to Posts rather than Pages. WordPress is still very confusing for me but every time I make a mistake I learn some new things. This taught me how to copy all the blocks in a Post and paste them into a Page. Therefore, the fix was relatively painless when I did it on Sunday. Then on Monday I added four more pages and started on the first one in 1998. Moving right along. HA
I have also found enough walking routes to provide some verity. The first quarter of a mile is going to get monotonous but that is the only way to the start of the various routes. Then there are a two or three out and back routes that will also add some verity.
The past couple of days I have been doing a little over 4 miles a day with just morning and noon walks. The afternoon walks have been put on hold until I get back in better shape at altitude (~6,500′). There is also the threat of rain later in the afternoon which is going to become even more of a threat when the monsoon starts.

The United States also faces two key questions. First, how much longer will most US leaders persist in denying its economic and global declines, acting as if the US position had not changed since the 1970s and 1980s? Second, how can such leaders’ behavior be explained when large American majorities acknowledge those declines as ongoing long-term trends? — World economy changing – Americans know, but their leaders don’t by Richard D Wolff
Different routes to walk are always good. Good to see you have increased your daily mileage, has to be healthy.
Getting my daily walks back to the distances I was doing a year ago is a bit of a struggle. When Patches was not able to keep up I cut our distance. The different routes here might help me reestablish what was a good habit and good for my health.