I have been finding all kinds of excuses to not work on the URL Scroll-To-Text Fragment project. This is the project where I am editing all the links in Books I’ve Read to include the coding for a Scroll-To-Text Fragment. With this edit when you click on the Title in Books I’ve Read it will take you to the date on the archived page where I have written about the book. However, it does not work with all browsers; URL Scroll-To-Text Fragment will show you what browsers, and what releases, are compatible. Vivaldi is not shown at the website but I have found that it works both in the desktop and mobile releases that I use.
I have finally gone back to working on that project and now have ONLY nine more years to go and I’ll be finished. HA
I was going to take Erik to his group training class this morning but an inch of snow and strong winds caused a change of plans. By the time I got unhooked and drove slowly to Sierra Vista in a light snow storm I was going to be late. So stopped at Sunny D’s and had breakfast.
Yesterday the appointment with the cataract surgeon went well and he gave me a prescription for new glasses. I had the single vision reading glasses one filled by the VA before leaving Tucson. This morning with my plans disrupted I went to Wal*Mart Vision Center to get bifocal lenses put in one of my old frames (VA will not do this).
Then went to RV City where I had Desperado’s power cord shortened and a new male plug put on (the old plug was broken but was still working). While at Wal*Mart I also bought a 15′ extension cord for the basement heater; the one I have been using is too long and too stiff to roll up in cold weather. So I now have two 15′ extensions that plug into the ‘Y’ adapter to give me the power that I need and maybe cords that are more flexible in cold weather.

For nearly three centuries, Robinson Crusoe has been the archetypal castaway, the symbol of survival in uninhabited wilds. In this book, Tim Severin adds this enterprising hero to the roster of legendary figures whose adventures he’s replicated and whose origins he’s explored. With the signature approach to literary and historical sleuthing that has led the New York Times to describe him as “original, audacious, and exuberant,” Severin uncovers the seaman’s world that captured Daniel Defoe’s imagination, recounting dramatic survival stories of sailors, pirates, castaways, and native Americans and replicating their journeys to experience for himself the adventures that inspired Robinson Crusoe.

Another Meme that I liked.
Due to a power outage, The house was very dark so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-yr old girl to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby… Little Connor was born. The paramedic lifted him by his feet and spanked him on his bottom And he began to cry. The paramedic then asked the wide-eyed 3-yr old what she thought about what she had just witnessed. She quickly responded, “He shouldn’t have crawled in there in the first place, spank him again”