I want to post the meds that Patches received last week so I have a record of what they were. When I got home with them I saw that the prescription labels on the bottles had someone else’s name on them. That was not a big issue except for the Tranadol (a controlled substance). I could find myself in trouble with the law for possessing someone else’s prescription medication. I stopped at the vet yesterday and got the labels corrected.
The pain med is Tranadol 50 mg which is a medication veterinarians commonly dispense to manage pain in dogs. Scientifically speaking, tramadol is a member of the opioid family, which means it alters the transmission and perception of pain in humans and animals. In addition, tramadol inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin in the dog’s brain, which increases the level of these chemicals in the bloodstream, and creates that feeling of euphoria and well-being that human patients sometimes experience. It is something she will have to take the rest of her life however long that might be.
Carprofer 75mg is indicated for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis, The vet said that this was for inflammation. It could also be life long.
Proin ER 74 mg for control of urinary incontinence. Could also be life long.
Cefpodoxime 200mg s an antibiotic drug that will help to treat and protect your dog against the diseases that they may be going through in their body like treat skin infections, bladder infection, ear infection and respiratory infection. A 7 day treatment.
The left eye cataract surgery on Monday went well. I then had a post op appointment yesterday and have two more scheduled. Will be getting a new prescription for glasses and think I’ll get some reading glasses that I’ll wear almost all the time while in Desperado reading on my laptop and Fire 8. Then another pair that are progressive for driving and being out and about.
As a freelance assassin, Deckard is no stranger to the shadow world of covert operations, but when he is summoned to Bohemian Grove and hired to train and lead a battalion of Kazakh mercenaries, he soon discovers his employer’s real agenda: a doomsday plot decades in the making. This is the first book in a series that I will read sometime in the future. The books are probably classed as military fiction although Deckard approaches superhero status. A very action packed read. Now, free humanity’s only chance for survival rests with Deckard’s renegade Private Military Company. From Afghanistan, to Burma, and beyond, the clock is ticking down to global extinction.
These quotes are from that novel published in 2011. The author made this observation and many more that have now come to be reality. The entire Chapter 25 reads like a prediction for what is happening now.
In the near future the very notion of a state would become obsolete, hemorrhaging credibility and forcing local people to look for local solutions. Burma, Somalia, Nigeria, Germany, and even the United States would carve itself into enclaves, each with its own private security contractors hired to maintain stability and enforce laws.
In his travels, Deckard had seen the future, and it wasn’t pretty. Societal breakdown and reorganization was no longer a far-flung idea restricted to the impoverished world or abstract futurist predictions, but one already becoming a global reality. — Reflexive Fire by Jack Murphy
As a freelance assassin, Deckard is no stranger to the shadow world of covert operations, but when he is summoned to Bohemian Grove and hired to train and lead a battalion of Kazakh mercenaries, he soon discovers his employer’s real agenda: a doomsday plot decades in the making. Now, free humanity’s only chance for survival rests with Deckard’s renegade Private Military Company. From Afghanistan, to Burma, and beyond, the clock is ticking down to global extinction.
We are entering an entirely unique period of history, one unlike any era of the past. In the near future, power will be drawn from new centers of gravity, the very idea of the state quickly becoming obsolete. Old mechanisms, old systems of vertical integration, will give way to non-state actors. This will be a complete paradigm shift, not just in the political and economic arenas, but a shift in social dynamics as well. This will be a change in energy itself. Complete deinstitutionalization will take place in the coming decades. As the state bleeds credibility and legitimacy, new centers of population will turn towards the multinational corporate conglomeration, the guerrilla organization, the terrorist group, the privatized army, or other free agents. Crime and war will blur. Citizen and soldier alike will be thrown into direct competition with every single human being on the planet. While the old paradigm will persist deeper into this century, it will become increasingly irrelevant. The old powers still attempt to shape the geopolitical landscape, but this new energy will outpace any monopoly on state violence. While the Global South continues to construct federations to stand against Western influence, a new type of undeclared global insurgency will rise in the place of these old powers. — Jarogniew speaking in Chapter 25 Reflexive Fire by Jack Murphy