Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: December 30, 1934
Erik had a good day at his last Wednesday group training class. He did almost everything that the trainer required that he was to do. He still needs more training with the Down command but he is better with that also. At the end of the class one of the other dog owners came up to me and said that she was impressed with how well Erik had done. I wish Erik could have heard her and understood the compliment.
That was the good news. The bad news came on the drive back to Benson. As we were leaving Sierra Vista it began to snow or sleet then as we continued north it was rain. That meant turning on the windshield wipers which Erik wanted to attack. He was slightly better when I told him NO but he needs more training with windshield wipers in operation that is for sure.
The only other news is the weather. We are not getting the blizzard conditions that much of the country has experienced but it has been cold. There have been sixteen mornings that have been below freezing so far during December. With the average temperature for the month at 47°deg; versus 51 in December 2021. We may get more rain today and then during 3-4 days next week and high temperatures to be in the 50s.
I’ll be doing month end chores during the next few days and more reading of the two novels that I have started. That and staying warm are the plan.

Be very, very cautious about believing or trusting any official figures about the economy. That sort of falsification and/or incomplete information is rampant at present. Always look for the bigger picture, and dig deeper to uncover the reality that hides beneath the hype. It frequently portrays a very different scenario than the one the powers that be would prefer us to believe. — The real economic facts are hidden beneath the hype, Peter Grant
I wonder if herding windshield wipers is characteristic of the breed?
I don’t see any other hearing instinct in Erik. Maybe cats and windshield wipers.