Missive #348 Published 17 September 2024

In my opinion, the best parts of this book are those where he writes what he thinks. Those that are star struck may enjoy what he has to say about his screenwriting days. I think you will like this book.
Missive #348 Published 17 September 2024
In my opinion, the best parts of this book are those where he writes what he thinks. Those that are star struck may enjoy what he has to say about his screenwriting days. I think you will like this book.
Missive #346 Published 13 September 2024
52. How Old is Nasruddin’s Wife?
One evening Nasruddin turned to his wife and asked, “How old are you?”Missive #345 Published 11 September 2024
Sailing across the Caribbean, Hector Lynch falls into the hands of the notorious buccaneer, Captain John Coxon. Hector’s two friends, Dan and Jacques, are released when Coxon mistakes Hector as the nephew of Sir Thomas Lynch—the Governor of Jamaica—an error that Hector encourages. Coxon delivers Hector to Sir Henry Morgan, a bitter enemy of Governor Lynch. The captain is expecting to curry favour with Henry Morgan but is publicly humiliated at a Christmas ball. From then on, Coxon seeks to revenge himself on Hector and the young seafarer finds himself on the run again.
Missive #344 Published 9 September 2024
There Will Be War is a landmark science fiction anthology series that combines top-notch military science fiction with factual essays by various generals and military experts on everything from High Frontier and the Strategic Defense Initiative to the aftermath of the Vietnam War.
Missive #341 Published 3 September 2024
This book was not any easier to read than the prior two histories, 1939 and Silent Conflict. It picks up where Silent Conflict left off and takes you to 1939. Most historians when writing about a period focus on country leaders; this author focuses on the country diplomats with the leaders taking a back seat. Good history but difficult reading for me.
Missive #335 Published 19 August 2024
The Illuminatus! Trilogy comprises three parts which contain five books and appendices: The Eye in the Pyramid (first two books), The Golden Apple (third and part of fourth book), Leviathan (part of fourth and all of fifth book, and the appendices). The parts were first published as three separate volumes starting in September 1975. In 1984 they were published as an omnibus edition and are now more commonly reprinted in the latter form.
Missive #332 Published 15 August 2024
This deeply informed book traces the dramatic history of early Soviet-western relations after World War I. Michael Jabara Carley provides a lively exploration of the formative years of Soviet foreign policy making after the Bolshevik Revolution, especially focusing on Soviet relations with the West during the 1920s. Carley demonstrates beyond doubt that this seminal period—termed the "silent conflict" by one Soviet diplomat—launched the Cold War. He shows that Soviet-western relations, at best grudging and mistrustful, were almost always hostile. Concentrating on the major western powers—Germany, France, Great Britain, and the United States—the author also examines the ongoing political upheaval in China that began with the May Fourth Movement in 1919 as a critical influence on western-Soviet relations.
Missive #331 Published 13 August 2024
A collection of essays on society, environment, politics and economics written between 2012 and 2014. This is the second book in the Collapse Chronicles which are compilations of blog posts to ClubOrlov. I have a quoted from two of those essays here.
Missive #329 Published 10 August 2024
Created by the bestselling SF novelist Jerry Pournelle, THERE WILL BE WAR is a landmark science fiction anthology series that combines top-notch military science fiction with factual essays by various generals and military experts on everything from High Frontier and the Strategic Defense Initiative to the aftermath of the Vietnam War. THERE WILL BE WAR is a treasure trove of science fiction and history that will educate and amaze new readers while reminding old ones how much the world has changed over the last three decades. Most of the stories, like war itself, remain entirely relevant today.
Missive #327 Published 6 August 2024
With ClubOrlov just over four years old, [2008-2011] I am publishing a "best of" book of essays. These are 30 of the most popular articles chosen from the ones that have been published on ClubOrlov. A lot has changed during this time; four years ago this book would have been largely about the future, but now it is largely about the present. In preparing the manuscript for publication, I haven't found anything that I would want to change or retract.
The book's title should be self-explanatory. I am absolutely positive that collapse is underway. I am also absolutely positive that with a bit of preparation and adaptation, some physical, some mental, a lot of us can pull through if we really try. Lastly, I am absolutely positive in my overall outlook and disposition, and hopeful that a fast but thorough collapse will leave enough of the planet in a non-toxic, non-radioactive, non-strip-mined, non-cratered state to allow for our continued existence as a species.