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Missive #374

For 700 years, the Undying High Lord Milo has been building his confederation, leading the Horseclans slowly across the lands once known as the United States, absorbing city-states and nomadic tribes alike, some by peaceful means, some not. A savage, earthy tale of the wars to consolidate a federation of nomads in 27th century, post-holocaust. — Book promo @ goodreads.com

Adams has a tendency to name-drop constantly without fully fleshing everything out to the reader. As such, while reading this, it got to a point where I simply couldn’t keep track of all the characters and locations (many of which are just mentioned without being further explained or explored anyway)…An enjoyable instalment, but just consistently “pretty good” without reaching the heights of the first two. — An edited Customer Review @ goodreads.com

What you have is a declining situation and the spectacle of a politics that doesn’t either understand, or have any handle whatsoever on any of it. So you’re watching a dysfunctional system run by a dysfunctional government. I want to remind everyone of, what a great tactician once said are, the preconditions for revolution. They are two. Number one, that the people in charge don’t know how to govern anymore. Number two, that the mass of people feel that the people at the top can’t govern anymore. If you have those two conditions met, you’re going to have a revolution. We are getting real close in this country.… [T]he United States is desperate. That’s part of why Israel is desperate. They are now convinced that time is not on their side. They’re frightened. They won’t say so, and they’re right to be frightened, because their allies in Europe – the ones they still count on even though they’re disrespectful of them, but they’re convinced they need them – and they do.

It’s very important people understand: Europe is in a terrible, terrible situation and the Europeans kind of know it. They’re caught between the United States and China. It’s not clear what place for Europe will emerge in this new BRICS versus G7. In the G7, Europe is a footnote. In the G7 versus China, Europe is even more of a footnote. Europe is not used to being a footnote. — Richard Wolff @ Genocides Moral Wall

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