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Missive #359

55. Is Someone Snoring?

Nasruddin’s wife complained that she couldn’t sleep. “How can anybody sleep with all that loud snoring!” she said.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nasruddin replied. “Nothing is disturbing my sleep! But if it will make you feel better, I’ll stay awake tonight and investigate.”

In the morning he informed his wife of the results. “I didn’t hear any snoring,” Nasruddin declared. “I stayed awake all night listening, and there wasn’t anybody snoring. So, my dear, the only logical conclusion is that you dreamed about someone snoring. To improve your sleep, I’d advise you to dream more softly.”

This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

This quote is again from the Geopolitical Economy Hour transcript with Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. Michael does a lot of pod casts with various interviews and much of his web blog is made up from this transcripts. Some of it then tends to be duplicated because Michael gives the same answers. Be that as it may it is a good site.

There is increasingly talk in the normally slavishly militarist Western media about the need for peace in both Ukraine and Gaza, a negotiated peace based on talking with the very enemies, Palestine and Iran and Russia, that they have been assiduously demonizing for the past year, in the case of Gaza, and for the past two years or past decade, if not longer, in the case of Russia. In this context, the victory plan that President Zelensky seeks to lay before the President and Congress in Washington can only appear absurd. This is the context in which we propose to discuss a very interesting document, not because it is particularly important, not because it’s likely to make history, but precisely because it is such a neatly packaged inventory of the worst delusions of the West, precisely the delusions that are being dispelled by Russia and Palestine and Iran, but precisely also the delusions that have brought the world so close to nuclear war, a war that the world can dodge only if Europe and the West reject these delusions. — Why the War in Ukraine is Meant to Drag On: Strategic Goals, European Discontent, and NATO’s Role by Michael Hudson

I had NO SERVICE from Verizon off and on since I have been here. Yesterday it was more off that on so I went to the Park Club House to use the Park’s WIFI. It is very good in the Club House but does not reach where Desperado is parked. It is also a hike fro my space to the Club House so I don’t want to do this very often. Verizon service is VERY POOR at almost all of my camps but the NO SERVICE is even a bigger issue.

After walking all the way to the get a decent WIFI connection Verizon came back up with 3 bars after I had been at the Club House for maybe 45 minutes. Glad it is back up and sure hope it stays up.

It did not stay at 3 bars but I was able to use Verizon during the rest of yesterday. This morning I was back to NO SERVICE; Verizon is totally unreliable but for WIFI service to someone that lives a lifestyle such as mine it is the cleaners dirty shirt available. Except Starlink which is very expensive for now.

The psoriasis flare continued to spread yesterday afternoon with some of the associated symptoms. I had moderate sweating and fever, increased heart rate and no appetite ( passed on eating ‘linner’). During the night I again has some moderate sweating, nothing like what I have experienced in the past, and the sleeping heart rate was 46 bpm. At that level I would have started the ibuprofen treatment but the reading came after the flare not before. I’m continuing to look for some predictor sign that I can use to start the ibuprofen cycle before the fare occurs. I thought increased heart rate was a predictor but it seems to be an effect of the flare rather than a cause.

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