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Missive #336

49. Nasruddin’s Toothache

Nasruddin had a terrible toothache. It had been hurting for days, getting worse every day. It hurt when he lay down; it hurt when he was standing up. He tried putting warm compresses on it, but that did not help. Warm salt water did not help either. Nasruddin’s wife felt sorry for him at first, but she eventually lost her patience. “If that were my tooth,” she finally told him, “I would go have it removed.”

“If it were your tooth, I’d have it removed too!” Nasruddin shouted back at her. “The problem is that it’s my tooth, not yours.”

This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

And today, we not only have a guest, but a very special one. As many of you will know, Jill Stein is running for President of the United States on the Green Party ticket. Ho-hum, you will say. What’s so what? She’s not going to win. Third-party candidates never do. So what’s the point?

Well, things never change until they do. They often take longer to change than most imagine, but then, when the change comes, it happens quicker than anyone might have anticipated.

The reason why Michael and I are advising Jill on policy, why we support her candidacy so fully, and we are doing everything we can to advance her cause, is that there has never been an election in which a third-party candidate has a greater chance of winning. — Jill Stein Splitting The Pro-imperial Vote by Michael Hudson

I have been trying to install an Android Emulator on my Linux laptop during this past week. The only thing that I have done is cut way back on the amount of reading I have done. To paraphrase Edison “I have not failed. I’ve just found 7 or 8 ways that won’t work.” I’m giving up for now, maybe try again when I have slightly better Internet service.

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