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Missive #297

“Fraser’s rousing historical novel tracks the rise and fall of the real-life boxer Tom Molineaux, a Virginia slave who fought his way to freedom and then to celebrity in England in the early 1800s.”–New York Times Book Review

Bringing historical fact spiritedly to life, Fraser tells the rollicking tale of how “the Black Ajax” became as famous a figure in England as Napoleon — and just as much a threat to its establishment — before he passed into boxing legend and created a precedent for modern black prizefighters. — Book promo @ Da Capo Press

Nothing much happening here. I’m getting in our two walks per day, most days, but it is already hot at 10:00 when we do our second one. Later in the day than that is a non-starter.

I did get the last page started for the Other Trips but it is slow going. Perhaps even slower than those that had slide shows. This one is all picture galleries with a little bit of text. Maybe next week I can make some progress.

Tomorrow I go to Reserve again for an appointment to get Despaerado tuned up, oil changed, wipers and since last week I have developed a step issue that I need them to look into.

A diet item. This last week I received my order from Bar Harbor Foods®. They sell authentic all-natural seafood specialties with clams and fish fresh from certified sustainable cold, clear ocean waters that are prepared in small batches, using all-natural ingredients, pure and simple. I received twelve 6.7 oz cans of Wood Smoked Skinless, Boneless Sardines and have eaten one of them in two meals; they are excellent. I also received twelve 6.7 oz cans of Smoked Wild Kippers. The plan is to eat one can each week to give me more omega 3. This will be in addition to the four tablespoons of walnuts and one tablespoon of chai seeds that are also eaten each day for their omega 3. I’ll find out at my next VA appointment if it makes any difference in my cholesterol levels.

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