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Missive #467

A long out-of-print classic, Lower Piedmont Country is set in northeastern Alabama, although the narrative encompasses the region form the Mississippi Delta to the Virginia Tidewater. The book surveys the history, politics, religion, economy (both rural and industrial), and folkways of the hill-country people as the author knew them during the Depression and war years. — Book promo @ goodreads

This is another book in the American Folkways Series. Like all those in the series it was published in the 1940s or early 50s so it is of historical interest but does not tell you much about the area now. The author was a contributor to the book I’ll Take My Stand, that I read previously, and somewhat repeats what he said in that essay.

So far the weather forecaster have got it right. The past couple of morning lows have been in the 40s with the highs in the low 80s.

I went to Sierra Vista again yesterday for a VA hearing appointment. While in town there was a grocery gathering at Safeway. Then a cross the street was Fix My Device where I donated my old Amazon Fire, Verizon MIFI and Garmin watch for recycling. I also talked to him about restoring the System 76 laptop. I also have 3-4 email inquiries out to computer repairs that offer mail in services asking if they can do a restore.

This posting was intended to be done with scheduling – that didn’t happen. I may have updated information in a future posting.

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