79. A Token of Friendship
One of Nasruddin’s dearest friends was moving away to a distant city.
“I’ll miss you,” said Nasruddin’s friend.
“I’ll miss you too,” Nasruddin replied.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” said his friend. “Why don’t you give me that gold ring of yours as a memento? Then, whenever I look at that ring on my finger, I’ll remember that you gave it to me.”
Nasruddin thought for a moment.
“I’ve got a better idea,” he said. “I won’t give you my gold ring, and that way whenever you look at your finger, you’ll remember that I didn’t give it to you.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-202The2 Laura Gibbs

I went to Sierra Vista again yesterday with an appointment for Erik’s bath being the prime reason. I also went to RV City to see about getting windows glass run channels for my two big windows. The one on the right side has come complete out and is almost destroyed. They are going to order the channel material and contact me when it has arrived and schedule an appointment for the install. Stopped at the Co-op and placed an order for more yogurt.
Then my second priority was to pick up the laptop at uBreakiFix. They never did respond to my email so I was expecting to find that they were unable to boot it up. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it had been fixed and did boot up. However, after getting it home I was able to boot it another 2-3 times and it is back like it was. It does not boot. I’ll see what System 76 says and maybe ship it to them for a restoration or recycling.
If the weather forecast comes to be we are in for some fine Chamber of Commerce weather during the next 10 days. It didn’t freeze this morning and the next 10 days are expected to have lows in the 40s or 50s with highs in the 80s. I’ll soon be whining about it being too hot.