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Missive #464

The Man: Hunter McBride – he’d buried his past and his emotions long ago to become the ultimate warrior.
The Mission: Get the only proof of a deadly toxin out of the Congo jungle – with or without the innocent beauty who possessed it.
The Woman Who Changed the Rules: Just one look at SarahThis was the first in a series of romantic suspense books (2006) that is not nearly as good as The Patient’s Secret (2022). I’ll continue reading the series and subsequent ones just to see how the author improved her writing over the years. It is not a bad book but is somewhat a bodice ripper published by Harlequin Romantic Suspense.Burdett and long-dead feelings stirred in Hunter’s heart. She was just supposed to be part of the package – nothing more. But with every minute counting down to disaster, Sarah showed Hunter how to live again. Could he discover how to love again before their time – and the world’s – ran out? — Book promo @ goodreads.com

Peter Hansler said in the same article quoted below “People’s behaviour remains constant, while the consequences of the same actions can vary due to the different epochs of civilization in which these actions take place.” Does it appear that the United States’ behavior is following the British pattern of Empire decline?

At the beginning of the 20th century, the British therefore had a twopronged problem: (1) they could no longer hold a candle to Germany in terms of research, technology and industry and (2) they saw the sea routes they controlled being threatened by land routes to which they had no access.

Asserting themselves in peaceful, civil and fair competition was too strenuous for the British as hegemon. The interest of the hegemon is precisely not to have to compete with the rest of the world. The hegemon maintains its supremacy by playing on its privileges (enforcing its reserve currency [monopoly], controlling trade routes [monopoly], plundering its colonies, etc.). — The War Of Two Worlds Part 1 by Peter Hanseler @ Sonar. com

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