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Missive #463

 As the war which consumes Dervelai drags on, the reserves of Algarve are ever more stretched. King Mezentio’s armies become sucked into the huge landmass of Unkerlant. As more and more of the hated Kaunians are sacrificed for blood magic, conquered races are indected into the Algarvian army, and their fighting edge becomes blunted. While at home, both men and women come to doubt the war and its purposes. Harry Turtledove’s blending of World War Two with fantasyhas already gained enormous praise. As a myriad of characters deal with reality, this is a tapestry of the finest writing the genre can create. — Book promo @ Fantastic fiction.com

Flooding the Zone – Why Does Trump Say Crazy Things?

In 2018 Steve Bannon, then political strategist for the Trump administration, explained how Trump’s talent for causing media frenzies was used by his team to get things done. How do you operate against a captive and hostile media – in a system designed on the rule by the same media that hates you? You “flood the zone” with rapid announcements and with crazy talk.

The strategy has existed since at least 2018, when the former Trump administration strategist Stephen K. Bannon boasted of the ability to overwhelm Democrats and any media opposition through a determined effort to flood the zone with initiatives.

This time, the flood is bigger, wider and more brutally efficient. As President Trump begins his second term, he has enacted his agenda at breakneck speed as part of an intentional plan to knock his opponents off balance and dilute their response. — By Luke Broadwater

The New York Times explained how Trump’s messaging was “not crazy – it’s strategic” – five years ago. Last month, the UK’s Daily Telegraph responded to Trump’s “Mar-A-Gaza” messaging with a reminder to take Trump seriously – but not literally. This is how the news works, this is how messaging works, this is not to say I think Donald Trump perfect. I am saying this is a technique, it is effective, and we can see two examples playing out right now. Namely, over Canada and over Israel-Palestine.

By Frank Wright

We have cycled back to Chamber of Commerce weather just in time for the snowbirds to gloat while their neighbors ‘back home’ freeze and dodge tornadoes. Sunday morning was below freezing but with any luck that will be the last time for the next six months or more.

I went back to the Bisbee Breakfast Club for breakfast and made sure to get there early. There was a motorcycle gathering I Bisbee this weekend and I knew they would be packing in for breakfast. There was a dozen of them at the Campground during the weekend but didn’t make very much noise. At least half of them were tent camping in the cold temperatures we had Saturday and Sunday mornings. Bragging rights. HA

Another four weeks of walking has me virtually just across the Columbia River in the state of Washington. You can see that by entering 32.544246, -117.029877 as the starting location in Google Map and 45.678915, -122.664500 as the destination. I’m guessing that I’ll reach the Canadian border in 5-6 weeks if the weather and body remains favorable.

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