78. Jokes in the Coffeehouse
Nasruddin and his friends were sitting in the coffeehouse, and one of them decided to tell a joke. It was a very long joke, and the man told the joke very badly.
Everyone squirmed in their seats as they listened to his performance.
Finally, the joker reached the punchline, which he bungled.
No one laughed… except Nasruddin.
Later, one of Nasruddin’s friends asked him, “Why did you laugh at that joke? It wasn’t funny at all.”
“You should always laugh at the joke,” Nasruddin told him. “If you don’t, there’s a possibility that they might try to tell it again.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-202The2 Laura Gibbs

We had almost constant winds for 24 hours that had Desperado rocking like a ship in a storm. The forecasted rain did come last night but 0.08″ was just enough to dampen the ground. It will remain cold today and tomorrow with the expected highs to be below 60. Then warmer on Sunday and maybe over 80 on Monday with mostly 70s for the high the rest of the 10 day forecast. Yes, it is Spring!
After getting the last of Other Trips completed, and added to the Menu in WordPress, I decided to do Car Trips. Those three trips were easily done because they had very few photos. They have now been added to the Menu also. Starting on Bicycle Tours which will be a longer project but I have been motivated; hope it lasts.