75. Nasruddin and the Wealthy Merchant
Nasruddin once found himself traveling in the company of a wealthy merchant.
“The more wealthy I am, the more wealthy I become,” said the merchant proudly. “Look at my fine boots and your shabby sandals, my thoroughbred horse and your broken-down donkey, my elegant garments and your threadbare cloak…”
As the merchant was speaking, robbers suddenly rode up and attacked them, stripping the merchant of his clothes and stealing his horse. Meanwhile, they ignored Nasruddin and his donkey.
“Remarkable!” said Nasruddin, “The more wealthy you were, the more you had to lose, while my circumstances remain the same as before.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-202The2 Laura Gibbs

The route for my virtual walk is slightly less accurate than in the past because I’m preparing this on my tablet but it is close. Start with 32.544246, -117.029877 then enter 44.540531,-123.067336 as the destination. I’m now about a week away from the Washington state line, then a dash for the Canadian border. HA
I now have all the bookmarks on the A9+ that I have on the Tab A but not all that were on my laptop. Those may be lost forever or maybe will be recovered by the uBreakiFix geeks (see more discussion below). I was also able to cobble together a Rube Goldberg collection of cables and was able to save to, and open from, a USB thumb drive on the A9+. This was important but most important was I could also download Exported Annotations from my Kobo. Progress!
I went to Sierra Vista yesterday and had breakfast at Café Olé before going to the Co-Op and picking up my order. This time I got cases of Tucson Tamale green chile and cheese tamales and Kite Hill vanilla non dairy yogurt. Then did a grocery gathering at Safeway before Desperado’s car wash appointment. That was a wash and wax which took a long time but when finished I went to Best Buy and the Geek Squad. They don’t work on Linux OS devices so down the street to uBrokeiFix where I have left the laptop with the hope that they can get it to boot up.
At Best Buy I wated to buy a couple adapters that replace the Rube Goldberg collection of cables that I had used with the USB. The more important thing was to see if the Geek Squad could get my laptop to boot up but they couldn’t do that nor did they have any adaptors. I don’t remember ever buying anything from Best Buy, perhaps there is a reason?