There Will Be War is a landmark science fiction anthology series that combines top-notch military science fiction with factual essays by various generals and military experts on everything from High Frontier and the Strategic Defense Initiative to the aftermath of the Vietnam War. It features some of the greatest military science fiction ever published… Book promo, stories included in this 8th book in the series
Still Time, by James Patrick Kelly
Surviving Armageddon, by Jerry Pournelle
To the Storming Gulf, by Gregory Benford
Dinosaurs, by Geoffrey A. Landis
The Prevention of War: About Unthinking the Thinkable, by Reginald Bretnor
Day of Succession, by Theodore L. Thomas
The Irvhank Effect, by Harry Turtledove
Three Poems
The Benefactors, by Don Hawthorne
Nuclear Autumn, by Ben Bova
As It Was in the Beginning, by Edward P. Hughes
Triggerman, by Jesse F. Bone
An Old Bankruptcy, a New Currency; by Jerry Pournelle and Dean Ing
Through Road No Whither, by Greg Bear
Logan, by Paul Edwin Zimmer (A very long poem)
The World Next Door, by Brad Ferguson
Siege At Tarr-Hostigos, by Roland Green and John F. Carr
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. — Arthur Clark’s Laws

More problems, they seem to come in bunches. Last Saturday I had the next to last molar on the top right break off at the gum line. No serious pain but I contacted my Naco, MX dentist asking if I could come in as an emergency with no appointment.
I drove to Goldmine RV PARK in Sunsites, AZ on Monday and picked up my Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+. When I got it back to the Campground I tried to set it up and got stuck on a screen that required my telephone number. Then wasted about an hour with Samsung Chat that kept telling me to call Samsung Support or when I finally got their attention, borrow a telephone to call Support. I finally disconnected the Chat and went back to the start where I found a “set up mannualy” link which I think has worked. Time will tell.
This is the first posting that I have done from thr A9+ although almost all the preparation was done using the Tab A.

Forty-four thousand human beings — men, women, and children perished last year in automotive accidents, not merely once, but annually, as a sort of evil ritual.
Yet these machines are necessary, we are told — critical, in fact. We simply must have them. This smirking half-truth fails to reflect the reality that the world as we know it has been sculpted by the policy decisions of industry handmaidens in the highest corridors of national power. The America we know was designed to functionally require extensive automobile use in all but a handful of major metropolises. To live in rural America sans auto is to corner oneself into obscurity, to fade into senseless irrelevance — the stubborn non-driver in America’s hinterlands is a non-entity, a dropout. Some would even say that he is a loser — a word deployed as a form of stiff social policing by the same people who rhapsodize about the virtues of ‘American freedom’. — Idolatry And The Automobile by A. M. Hickman
The stubborn non smartphone person in America’s hinterlands is also a non-entity. Some would even say that he is unredeamable deplorable garbage.