74. Nasruddin and the Porter
Nasruddin needed to hire a porter to take home four large sacks of grain he had bought at the market.
Just outside the market, he found a porter with a wagon.
“Good day, sir!” said Nasruddin.
“Good day to you!” replied the porter.
“How much will you charge to take me and my purchases to my house?” Nasruddin asked.
“That will be four copper coins for you,” said the porter. “No charge for the purchases.”
Excellent!” said Nasruddin as he started heaving the sacks of grain onto the wagon. “You just take my purchases home, and I’ll follow on foot.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

We had some Chamber of Commerce weather this past weekend with high temperatures in the low 80s and morning lows in the lower 40s. That changed to strong winds and then a cold Wednesday with mild winds that cut right through you.
I didn’t do any walks at all that day. Went grocery shopping and was then going to do laundry but the South Bisbee laundromat was still closed for repairs. Back to the Campground where I was able to get a washer and dryer.
I then spent a lot of the remaining morning trying to transfer text that I had highlighted in my Boox Page. I did that a couple times before using Google Drive or Blue Mail but I have removed both of them from Boox (Maybe a mistake). Finally was able to get it done using the Boox preferred method , that is use their Boox Drop app. I’m not sure I remember what I did to make it work but when I struggle through the process a couple more times it should be a good way to do the transfers.
I did get a reply from System 76 Support but the first suggested fix did not work. The second suggestion required me having a second PC that I could use to created a bootable Pop! OS USB drive and do a Pop! OS recovery. I’m no longer using POP! and don’t have a second computer. Next week when I go to Sierra Vista I’ll see if there is someone that can fix it. Meanwhile I’m getting a bigger screen Android tablet that should make preparing these postings a bit easier.

“Peace” is when the United States controls everything and no other country has any ability to fight back. That’s “peace”! — American Imperialism In Plain Site by Michael Hudson
Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful good society’ which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean ‘more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.” — MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO @ The Super Bowl And Trash Culture by Night Wind
A man can say what he’ll do and then do it. Who knew?!? Did you know a president can do the things he said he’d do during the campaign? We know there’s no law against it, but doesn’t it seem like a rule of nature? Once a politician has your vote he’ll “grow in office”, doing the bare minimum until he’s a fucking slug. That’s my observation. Until now… The best I can say is “enjoy this moment“ … The best I can say is “enjoy this moment“. — New Experiences… by AdaptiveCurmudgeon