73. Nasruddin and the Tailor
Nasruddin went into a tailor’s shop. “I’d like to try on a pair of trousers.”
The tailor gave him the trousers, and Nasruddin tried them on.
“They’re not quite right,” he said, giving them back to the tailor. “I’d like to try a jacket now, please.”
Nasruddin liked the jacket very much. “I’ll take it!” he said, and then he began to walk out the door.
“But wait!” shouted the tailor. “You haven’t paid!”
“I exchanged the trousers for the jacket,” Nasruddin explained.
“But you didn’t pay for the trousers!”
“Of course not!” said Nasruddin. “I didn’t want the trousers.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

I went to Sierra Vista again yesterday with the first priority to pick up an order that I had placed via email with the Sierra Vista Food Co-op. They did not have it ready for me and found my email message in their Spam box. Told them to do the ordering I would be back in two weeks. My first stop had been at Taco Giro for breakfast where I had not been disappointed.
I was also able to get a hair cut after only a one person wait so that went well. Safeway has the same parking lot as the hair cutter so I was able to do my grocery gathering without moving Desperado. From there I made a car wash and wax appointment and a dog wash appointment and then back to the Campground. Winds were picking up by the time I got back but not too bad, they are going to be worse as Spring comes upon us.

I can not believe that a Representative is so ignorant that he would claim that the basis for impeachment is ‘for dastardly deeds proposed and done’.
“I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.” — Rep. Al Green (D-TX)
Hillary Clinton: If I hang for my crimes I’ll take half of Washington DC with me.
Donald Trump: The American people and I find your terms acceptable.