Now Turtledove returns to the story of a World War in a world where magic works, with this moving second volume. Algarvian soldiers corral Kaunians to send them west, towards Unkerlant, to work camps. The Kaunians left behind are worried about what the work camps might mean, but are assauged by Algarvian lies.
In Kuusamo, scholars race to find the relation between the laws of similarity and contagion. Rumors abound about the Algarvian work camps, rumors most cannot believe as true. But the mages know, for they can feel the loss of life in their very souls.
Turtledove’s cast of characters takes on its own life as the reader sees the war from all sides and understands how the death and destruction benefits no one, not even the victors. — Book promo

The more I read about the Cybertruck bombing the more I’m convinced that the government is lying and the media is reporting the lies. Here are some of the issues that bother me.
- [T]he Army disclosed that the DNA of the body found in the vehicle did not match Livelsberger’s child,…
I’m sure that after he has been in the Army for 17 years that they have his DNA. Why do they want to match the body’s DNA to Livelsberger’s child? Still awaiting confirmation based on DNA tests – HUH?
- [H]is body was burned beyond recognition, yet his military ID and passport managed to remain intact with only slight burn marks. They make military ID and passports out of some really really strong stuff! Remember that they also found intact passports from the 9/11 suicide plane attacks against the World Trade Towers. The bodies are burnt up but their ID survives?
- The choice of weapon, a .50 caliber Desert Eagle handgun, has drawn skepticism from experts, who noted the lack of visible blast marks near the Cybertruck. There are also reports that the truck driver’s head can be see in a video just before the blast. From what I have read a .50 caliber slug would virtually destroy a persons head; you would not see it in a video.
- I also have a problem with the IED that this well trained Army Green Beret put together. What went off in the truck was something that you would expect some complete novice bomb builder to fabricate. Livelsberger was certainly capable to building something more powerful; something that even the Tesla could not have withstood.
I think this will remain in the NEWS for about another week and then the headlines will move on to something else.
Do you remember the mass shooting in Las Vegas On October 1, 2017 when 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival.
What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas.

It simply cannot be swept under the rug or sugar-coated any longer: the Western order is in literal crisis. The people have had enough, and the avalanche is picking up inertia because the process is a self-reinforcing feedback loop: the more wanton elites fall, the more that citizens are energized to rise up against them. And when that happens, the elites are forced to clamp and double down on their lies, hypocrisy, and repressions in a futile attempt to stem the flow; this leads to even more ill-will, resentment, and revolt against their destructive policies. — Another One Down by Simplicius