68. Nasruddin and the Thief’s Shoes
Nasruddin awoke when he heard a thief in his house. He crept downstairs and saw the thief had politely left his shoes by the door. Nasruddin grabbed the shoes, and then shouted, “Thief! Thief!”
The thief ran to the door and, when he saw his shoes were gone, he dashed barefoot into the street.
Nasruddin chased him, shouting, “Thief! Thief!”
People rushed out of their houses and easily caught the criminal.
“This is not fair!” the thief protested. “This is not right!”
Then he pointed at Nasruddin accusingly. “I took nothing from that man’s house, but he stole my shoes!”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

Did you happen to notice that the drone scares that were front page NEWS for about a week suddenly just went away. I don’t know if the drones went away but the lame stream media is no longer reporting anything about them. I suspect it was a government operation trying to drum up some support for a war against Iran. When that proved to be a dud they just let it fade away.
Now we have ‘terrorist’ attacks in the United States again. This time by men that were, or are, in the Army; just like the leftists said would happen. We need more laws against anyone that is now in or has been in any branch of the US military — look for it to come.

I agree with what both Larrys say in the quotes below. It is not just what the FBI says but what any federal official says. I don’t believe any of them.
It gives me no joy to write this, but it must be said — the FBI is a broken law enforcement institution and should be dismantled. I believe the same about the CIA, but that’s a topic for another day. Based on the FBI’s conduct over the last eight years, I find no reason to trust anything that FBI officials say with respect to the recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Yes, I think both acts qualify as terrorism, but I have little confidence that we are getting, or will get, the true story. — Larry C. Johnson
An overwhelming majority of respondents believe the FBI is more corrupt than honest. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com. (Sharyl’s husband is retired FBI) Eighty-nine percent (89%) say the FBI is more corrupt than honest. Approximately five percent (5%) say the FBI is equally honest and corrupt. Only two percent (2%) believe the FBI is more honest than corrupt, while nearly three percent (3%) say they don’t know. — Do You Trust The FBI? by Larry Lambert
I agree with this quote as well; I suggest you read her entire posting.
As the fog continues to clear on decades of mind control and mass psychosis, it is safe to live and think by a simple precept: Every time government says they are doing something for our “safety,” they are taking our rights away under false pretenses. It means, at best, that they are capitalizing on the tragedy, and at worse, that they created it. — I’ve Resisted Until Now by Diogenes Sarcastica™