67. The Thief and Nasruddin’s Rooster
Nasruddin heard squawking from the henhouse during the night. “It must be a thief,” he thought, and he ran outside, where he found a man creeping away from the henhouse.
By the light of the moon, Nasruddin could clearly see a rooster’s tail-feathers sticking out from under the man’s cloak.
“Give me back my rooster, you thief!” shouted Nasruddin.
The man stood up straight and answered back, “Sir, please believe me! I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”
“And do you think I’m going to believe you,” Nasruddin replied, “or am I going to believe the rooster’s tail-feathers?”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

Nothing much happening here. I’m just trying to stay warm with it below freezing this morning and forecast to be that way for many days to come.
I have started a different walking routine. Don’t know how long I can stick with it but I have started. First thing I did was shorten the morning walk from two miles to just one; this kept me out of the cold. To make up for that I increased the mid day way walk from one mile to two. Then the second step in the changed routine was to add some distance to both the morning and mid day walks on alternate days. The third step will be to do those extended distances in the morning and mid day both on the same day.
I’ll still treat any day that I go to town as a rest day and do a short morning walk or no walk at all. Tomorrow will be one of those days. HA
Your walking program so good for your health,good for you! I hope you and Erik happy and well,-Mary
Yes, the walking program has been good. The move toward better health all started when I started to ride a bicycle way back in 1985. It has simply moved on from there in fits and starts. I think I’ll write about my health in the next posting since I have something to say.