Franklin Robert Adams (August 31, 1933 – January 4, 1990) was an American science fiction and fantasy writer, formerly a career soldier. He is best known for his “Horseclans” books. He wrote as Robert Adams, an abbreviated form of his full name. <aside-text>I have been reading this series in order and still have difficulty keeping track of the characters. As the book promo says read the series in the order published and good luck.</aside-text>
Adams was an early pioneer of the post-holocaust novel. His Horseclans novels are precursors to many of today’s attempts at this type of story, many of which do not exhibit his painstakingly detailed world view or extraordinary plot follow-through (many of his Horseclans books are so interlinked that they make sense only when read in order; he did not create many “stand alone” books in the series).
Hallmarks of Adams’ style include a focus on violent, non-stop action, meticulous detail in matters historical and military, strong description, and digressions expounding on various subjects from a conservative and libertarian. — Book promo @ goodreads.com

Today was another weekly shopping trip to South Bisbee at Safeway with a breakfast stop at Mornings Café along the way.
A few days ago I received my grocery online order from Bar Harbor Foods. This is the company that I ordered twenty four 6.7oz cans of fish from earlier this year. I eat one can per week so that is about a 6 month supply. The first order was smoked sardines and smoked kippers. The kippers were out of stock so I ordered smoked mackerel and smoked salmon. Unsure about the mackerel but I’ll soon find out.
Have placed an order with Sierra Vista Co-Op for another case of Kite Hill non dairy yogurt which I hope to pick up when I go forDesperado’s antenna removal next week.