62. Nasruddin Was Robbed
Nasruddin and his wife returned home after a long journey to find that robbers had broken into their home and stolen everything.
Of course, everyone had their own opinion about what had happened.
“You probably forgot to lock the door!” Nasruddin’s wife exclaimed.
“I told you to put bars on the windows!” said a friend.
“Leaving the house unattended for such a long time is very risky!” observed a neighbor.
Everyone chimed in, and they all blamed Nasruddin.
Finally, Nasruddin couldn’t take it anymore and shouted, “Is there no one here who will put the blame on the actual robbers?”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs

The quote from The Century Of The Other is only one of ever so many that I could have selected. It is a very good posting that I strongly recommend.
It’s one of the supreme ironies of our time that the heirs of the 1960s have turned into the establishment they once fought, and conservative populists are the new, hip, youthful counterculture.…the Century of the Other has begun.
All around the world, people who reject the values of the Western world’s privileged classes are in the ascendant. Russia, which shrugged off Western sanctions with aplomb and is nearing victory in the Ukraine war, is returning to its roots in Orthodox Christianity; across the Middle East and North Africa, traditionalist Islam is resurgent; further east, the ancient civilizations of China and India are rising to reclaim the preeminent role in the global system they had before the age of European world conquest. In Africa and elsewhere in the global South, one nation after another is throwing off neocolonial arrangements and establishing social and political forms relevant to their cultures and needs rather than those the liberal elite wants to assign them.
Around the globe, as a result, the Western elites who like to think of themselves as history’s sole actors now face intransigent Others who refuse to accept a role as bit players in someone else’s melodrama. Our would-be lords and masters are confronted by hostile and increasingly confident rivals who reject the values that corporate liberalism considers self-evident, and embrace visions of destiny that are antithetical to everything that corporate liberalism stands for. The monolithic future imagined by the Western world’s privileged classes has thus shattered into a thousand glittering shards. What is rising in its place is a kaleidoscope of possibility in which the dreams of Harris and her allies are only one option among many. — The Century Of The Other by John Michael Greer
I agree completely with the sentiment expressed by this quote.
…[M]y assessment of President Trump’s cabinet choices is heavily weighted towards left-wing progressive opposition to them. The more the left is outraged, the more they scream about the unsuitability of each candidate, the stronger that candidate becomes in my mind. — An Upbeat Assessment by Peter Grant

I went to South Bisbee again on Wednesday for breakfast and grocery shopping. When I returned I set up the Mini again near the same place it was before. The obstructions woud be nearly the same and the orientation would also be about the same. It doesn’t seem that some small changes make much difference. The biggest difference I think will be how many other users are sucking up bandwidth at the same time that I’m trying to use some. These are the readings that I got yesterday using https://www.highspeedinternet.com/tools/speed-test/starlink:
@8:30 Download 91.54Mbps, Upload 4.84Mbps, Latency 32ms
@15.43 Download 82.25Mbps, Upload 5.60Mbps, Latency 37ms
@19:16 Download 32.19Mbps, Upload 6.66Mbps, Latency 35ms
I am not familiar with John Michael Greer. Thanks for the hot link in that quote. It gives me a good place to get started.
Be sure to read “About JMG”. There is a lot that he writes that is way to ‘hippy’ for me since he is a practicing Druid. But there is also a lot of what he writes that is very good.