The rugged areas of southwestern Colorado—was changing rapidly during the 1930s. I sensed that something unique in the nation’s experience was ending, and I tried to captured a segment of the passing on paper—the breakup of the great cattle ranches and mines and the last efforts of the old-times to hang on in the face of declining profits and increasing mechanization they themselves could not afford. — Book promo @ goodreads.com
The author’s son wrote an introduction to the book’s edition that I read explaining his father’s motivation for writing One Man’s West. The son says his father was “doing more than creating a personal memoir. He is describing a period of time and a way of life that he felt was disappearing rapidly yet was worth attempting to preserve.” Lovely book, both style and content. — From a Customer review

The following quote was from JHK’s posting on 4 November 2024.
One way or another, looks like we’re in for a hard, anxious winter. Threats galore loom concerning possible blob / Party of Chaos mischief ahead, designed to disorder our national life: false flags prompting the imposition of martial law. . . aggressive censorship and cancellation of free-speaking regime opponents. . . deployment of Antifa mobs against civil order, with violence, looting, arson. This symbiotic enemy of the people is desperate to evade accountability for the crimes they’ve already committed as officials running institutions: abuse of power, conspiracy to deprive many citizens of their civil rights, perhaps even treason. They’re capable of anything. They must be defeated. — Escape From Psychopathocracy by James Howard Kunstler
This quote is from the transcript of a podcast on 31 October 2024. So it was before the voting that I think has simply proved what they said to be right on point. Suggest you read the entire transcript.
Now, I could be wrong, of course, but if you ask how I see all of this, that’s the framework within which I see it. You have two political parties who agree on all of the most important things: that Capitalism is the greatest thing since sliced bread; that there is no alternative that needs to be discussed; there is no option; and that the maintenance of Capitalism equals the celebration of Freedom and Democracy; and that everything the United States does in the world, it does to expand the realm of Freedom and Democracy against the evil alternatives that beset this Project.
They used to be called Socialism and Communism, and now they’re called Authoritarianism, but it’s the same game. It’s even got the same players that barely changed their uniforms, so we can all recognize who you mean. And the hypocrisy of it all is right on display, as it always was, and it’s overwhelmed by propaganda, and the two political parties do their part by being utterly silent on all of it. — US Election The Illusion Of Choice by Richard Wolff
Nov 5, 2024 was the 15th anniversary of the killing of 13 Americans and one unborn American child at Fort Hood by an Islamic terrorist. An additional 32 people were injured.The terrorist, Major Nidal Hasan, was arraigned by a military court on July 20, 2011. He was found guilty on 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder on August 23, 2013, and was sentenced to death on August 28, 2013. Although he received the death penalty from a military court he is still awaiting the imposition of his sentence. Justice delayed is justice denied.

I went to Sierra Vista again yesterday. The number one reason was to pick up my new drivers license at the UPS Store. This I needed to take to the VA Clinic where they were going to make me a new VA ID card and they could then enter both of those cards in their system. I was hoping that would get me ‘identified’ and I could then use the Login.gov. That didn’t happen but the reception clerk held out hope that there would be someone at the Clinic that could help me just not yesterday.
While in town I had breakfast at Café Olé and picked up groceries at Safeway. Also went to The Specialists and made an appointment with them for the installation of the Mini on Desperado’s roof. When I got back to the Park I ordered the Mobil Mount that is needed for them to do that.
I have fully committed to Starlink by canceling my Verizon ‘service’ on 4 November.

I thought that growing old would take longer.