50. Nine Months for a Baby
Nasruddin’s wife had given birth to a child barely three months after their wedding.
“Pardon me for asking,” said Nasruddin, “but doesn’t it usually take nine months for babies to be born?”
“That’s right,” she replied.
“But then how could you have had this child so soon?” he asked.
“It’s simple arithmetic,” she answered. “How long have you been married to me?”
“Three months.”
“And how long have I been married to you?”
“Three months.”
“And how long has the baby been growing inside me?”
“Three months.”
“There you go!” she concluded triumphantly. “Nine months, just as it should be.”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

Today we’re going to talk with Dr. Stein, 2024 presidential candidate in the United States and her policy advisor, Professor Michael Hudson. And we’re going to talk about Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and domestic policy in the United States.
And so let’s get started with the conflict in Ukraine. Michael, how do you find the current face of the war in Ukraine? How do you find the policy of the Biden administration? It seems that they want to continue this war in Ukraine. How do you find it so far? — The Black And White Of Elite Imperialism With Jill Stein by Michael Hudson

It’s fascinating to see how the once-dominant power of the US Navy has so rapidly faded, without the Navy losing a single capital ship to enemy action. But the advancements in anti-ship missile technology are rendering surface ships even more vulnerable than aircraft; since the US has always been an air-and-naval power, these advancements have naturally affected the US military most and eliminated its global superpower status.
We’ll know that the USA has surrendered the Pacific to China when Japan formally switches sides and shuts down the US bases in the mainland, and especially, on Okinawa. This could be coming as soon as the next Japanese administration, depending upon whom is elected as the next leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. — No Carriers In The Pacific by Vox Day

I created a USB drive with Zorin 17.1 OS Tuesday morning and then installed it on my hard drive as a dual boot with Pop! in Linux. When I booted the thumb drive in the USB I was given the choice to continue booting from there or install as a dual boot on the hard drive. I elected to do the later. I don’t know what the experience would have been if I had gone with the USB boot choice. But the hard drive install was as easy as could be.
Getting the set up for Zorin was easy but I’ll be changing a couple decisions that I made. Getting Librewolf Browser installed and working was easy. Getting the Bookmarks from Librewold in POP! to Librewolf in Zorin was not so easy. What made it more difficult for me is Librewolf exports with a .docx file and imports need to be .html.
Generally speaking, I now have a dual OS set up and can use either one as my daily driver. Pretty slick, the Android OS project is put of until some other day.
I think the monsoon season is over here in this area; no more afternoon rains with flashing lighting and crashing thunder from Thor wielding his hammer. What we are getting now are light female rains that sprinkle and drizzle off and on for a good part of the day. Wednesday morning we got a bit damp when it started to sprinkle at our turnaround and became a drizzle during the last quarter mile. More rain in the forecast for this weekend.