Night had come on quickly, and Nasruddin and his wife had forgotten to light a candle. Thus, they found themselves sitting in their house in the dark.
“It’s dark, husband,” Nasruddin’s wife said to him. “We need to light a candle.”
“I agree!” said Nasruddin. “It’s completely dark. I can’t see a thing!”
“Well, I’m sure there’s a candle over there on the table to your left. Hand me the candle and I’ll light it.”
“I don’t think that will work,” said Nasruddin. “How do you expect me to tell my left from my right in the dark like this?”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

So, China’s economy is what we’re going to talk about today. Where is it at after decades of breakneck growth, after executing the greatest industrial revolution ever? Where is it headed?
Trying to understand this is not easy. The disinformation that is fake news and even what I often call fake scholarship that distorts the view that any honest person may be trying to take on China’s economy is simply overwhelming. It’s absolutely wall-to-wall propaganda, no matter which Western publication or website you open.
If we are to believe the Western press and the leading scholarly lights of the West, who are the major generators of the Western discourse on China, we are at peak China. That is to say, they claim that China has reached a point, reached the highest point, that is, that it ever can. And from here on, it’s only going to be downhill, more or less rapidly. — China Local Flowers Bloom by Michael Hudson

I knew there was something wrong the first time I saw a picture of the dead assassination shooter on the roof but didn’t know what it was. After seeing the Grassley video releases I finally realized what it was; the rifle is 9-10′ away from the body. How does that happen? A shooter is going to be holding the rifle close to his body with his cheek resting on the stock so he can get a sight on the target. Why have I not read an explanation for this? The more ‘information’ that is released about the assassination attempt the more questions I have. I’m not believing anything that the Main Stream Media releases.

There are some memes that are so true that they must be repeated, such as this one.
The older I get, the less I feel the need to be included, understood or accepted.
Lots of good analysis with video and diagrams from ex special forces that explains it all. Another government coverup but what’s new?
Steve, at least the gutless and spineless Republicans got Cheatle to resign from the Secret Service.
I can’t believe that we can read about how the FBI is investigating things, as if we are supposed to be reassured by that.