WAS IT LUCIFER Saul Goodman was after? He was beginning to almost believe it was.
But Goodman was a New York cop; only juries believed in fairy tales.
And this crazy case that had fallen in his lap—the Iluminatus; did it really exist, a great and dreaded secret cult, counting kings as members over the centuries, a colossus of crime and occult conspiracy?
Witchcraft or world blackmail, it was Saul Goodman’s baby now, and even the President saw it his way, holding back the National Guard to give Goodman time to track down the evil behind Illuminatus—before it unleashed the anthrax plague that threatened to destroy all creatures great and small….
As weirdly wonderful as the best of Vonnegut, as suspensefully off-beat as Casteneda, here comes Part II of ILLUMINATUS, a vulture’s eye view of the dark side of human comedy. — Book promo @ goodreads.com
This first quote is a continuation of the book review that is included within the book. I really didn’t ‘get’ the first book but the satire finally became apparent to me in this second book of the Illuminatus trilogy.
Have you finished your review yet?” Peter Jackson asked, crushing another cigarette
butt in his ashtray and worrying about lung cancer.
“Yes, and you’ll love it. I really tear these two smart-asses apart.” Wildeblood was enthusiastic. “Listen to this: ‘a pair of nursery Nietzsches dreaming of a psychedelic Superman.’ And this: ‘a plot that is only a put-on, characters who are cardboard, and a pretense of scholarship that amounts to sheer bluff.’ But this is the crusher; listen: ‘a constant use of obscene language for shock effect until the reader begins to feel as depressed as an unwilling spectator at a quarrel between a fishwife and a lobster-pot pirate.’ Don’t you think that will get quoted at all the best cocktail parties this season?”
“I suppose so. The book’s a real stinker, eh?”
“Heavens, I wouldn’t know for sure. I told you yesterday, it’s absurdly long. Three volumes, in fact. Boring as hell. I only had time to skim it. But listen to this, dear boy: ‘If The Lord of the Rings is a fairy tale for adults, sophisticated readers will quickly recognize this monumental miscarriage as a fairy tale for paranoids.’ That refers to the ridiculous conspiracy theory that the plot, if there is one, seems to revolve around. Nicely worded, wouldn’t you say?”
“Yeah, sure,” Peter said.
The State is based on threat,” Stella said simply. “If people aren’t afraid of something, they’ll realize they don’t need that big government hand picking their pockets all the time. So, in case Russia and China collapse from internal dissension, or get into a private war and blow each other to hell, or suffer some unexpected natural calamity like a series of earthquakes, the saucer myth has been planted. If there are no earthly enemies to frighten the American people with, the saucer myth will immediately change. There will be ‘evidence’ that they come from Mars and are planning to invade and enslave us.

On 10 July 2024 I posted the following:
It seems that the decision for Biden to run for reelection is now in God’s hands. He has to come down to earth and speak to Biden and tell him to NOT run or Biden will remain on the ballot.
Stephanopoulos: “If you can be convinced that you cannot defeat Donald Trump, will you stand down?”
Biden: “It depends on — on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that.”
If you do not believe there is a God then I submit that Biden’s actions are proof that there is one. This past weekend the Lord Almighty came down and had a talk with him and he stood down. I have quoted the closing paragraph from a good article Only Half Gone by James Howard Kunstler that also noticed that God came down and had a talk with the Biden’s.
The old Sicilian adage goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Surely, Mr. Trump knows a thing or two about what really went down July 13. His adversaries know he knows, and he knows they know he knows. Notice Mr. Trump is not jumping up and down going woo-woo-woo over all this. Rather, he’s sitting tight and calmly holding his cards close to his chest. He will eventually be coming to settle accounts. So, you must suppose they’ll try again. Or figure out a way to postpone the election indefinitely. Nothing is beneath these fiends. Strangely — a lot of people have noticed — it seems that God is on our side. Stand by and keep your hats on.