The Build-up , Volume 3 of the Stecher Trilogy , picks up the thread of White Mule and In the Money . Although all of the novels deal with the triumphant rise of an immigrant family in the early 1900s, The Build-up is more concerned with the overwhelming drive and ambition of Joe Stecher’s wife, Gurlie. After years of hard work, careful planning (and his wife’s badgering) Joe’s printing business is providing his family with a comfortable income.

A good article which I recommend that you will not find published by any media in the ‘West’. There is a lot of US media speculation about who Trump will select as his VP. The three most frequently mentioned are Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. JD Vance and Gov. Doug Burgum but I think Tulsi Gabbard would provide him with the best coverage against an assassination. Of those three most mentioned I would go with J D Vance and hope for the best; Pence sure did not work out well.
[T]hey created the “America First” movement, a symbol of isolationism proclaimed by politicians who represented this marginalized sector of the bourgeoisie.
For a long time, until the neoliberal era, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party had members linked to this sector. But this does not mean that Trump has just resumed a traditional isolationist policy. This is a new era, influenced by the neoliberal experience that further devastated the businesses of the marginalized bourgeoisie and also the quality of life of the middle and working classes. At the same time, it led to an unprecedented crisis of the imperialist high bourgeoisie itself. This phenomenon is what the intellectuals of the American regime call the “crisis of democracy”. And it is not Trump who is making this democracy erode. This “democracy” is nothing more than the stable dictatorship of imperialist monopolies, whose stability no longer exists by its very nature. Trump’s contribution to this is to lead an insurrection movement of the marginalized big bourgeoisie, the impoverished urban and rural petite bourgeoisie and the disorganized proletariat. Any resemblance to Germany and Italy in the 1920s is no mere coincidence. For more than 100 years, American politics remained a two-party dictatorship in which the two parties were Siamese twins and their almost identical policies guaranteed stability for the regime. Donald Trump arrived to shake this stability, subvert the Republican Party, polarize the country and shake the structures of the political regime. That’s why he is so hated by the political and economic elites.…
And if Trump is elected, it’s best to think about another coup d’état. Otherwise, if Trump manages to completely equip the State as his opponents fear, the big capitalists will have to do as they did with Hitler and Mussolini: tame the beast, buying members of Trumpism, extirpating its most radical wing and inserting imperialism’s trusted men to make a pact and minimally stabilize the situation. But it won’t be easy to execute this plan. It is very likely that chaos will ensue. Violent and destructive rot is nothing more than the natural tendency of a declining imperialist regime like the American one. — Trump’s Return: A True Political Revolution In The American Regime? by Eduardo Vasco

I’m Not One Bit Surprised Really…
Not One Bit was I surprised at the events of yesterday [13 July 2024]. Just Wednesday at lunch with a friend, they said to me “they know they can’t beat him now… they’re going to kill him. They’re going to Mark David Chapman him.”
I’ve believed that since the lights dimmed on DJT ‘s trial proceedings and he remained free to campaign for November, he became the most dangerous man in America. He has exposed the media as the frauds they are. He has pointed to us the extent of corruption by career politicians. He has shown us just how troubling our justice system has become. He’s reinforced to a younger generation that the Democrats and their apocalyptical rhetoric are indeed the Marxist and Maoist they never deny they are. And now that Biden have the Dems in full disarray, he’s even more dangerous to them.
They’ve tried to break his spirit. They’ve tried to ruin him financially. They’ve tried the jail him. They’ve preached hate for him 24/7. Is it no surprise to you too someone would eventually try to kill him. — I’m Not One Bit Surprised by Diogenes Sarcastica™
The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump. This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.

She told me that she missed me. Normally, I’d find comfort in that, but then she reloaded.
“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson