I had my last breakfast , this stay, at the Morning Cafe in Bisbee on Saturday. That was also my last shopping trip to Bisbee; stocked up enough to last me a couple of weeks I hope. While being close to the laundromat from Safeway I got laundry done as well. Then drove into Old Bisbee where I had a short wait for The Old Bisbee Roaster to open and grind #5 of coffee for me. I have been ordering from him online for a few years but this was the first time that I was close enough to stop by and pick it up.
Got started doing the month end house cleaning chores on Sunday. Finished doing them on Monday plus I got the holding tanks dumped and water tank filled. So I’m ready to get on the road to my next camp. It was not going to be a very long drive, 45 miles, but I’m planning on making it longer than it need be, 111 miles, by going out of my way to make a few stops.
This way was also selected to avoid what would have been my usual direct route that is being chip sealed. Avoid oil all over Desperado and the possibility of getting my new windshield pitted. The route: Double Adobe Rd, AZ80 (Old US80), AZ92, AZ90, I-10 (15 miles), Dragoon Rd & US191.
The stops along the way were at Country House for breakfast and Fry’s for gas in Sierra Vista. I was going to stop at the High Desert Firearms and Archery store but found that they have permanently closed so went to Sarge’s Sidearms just down the street in Benson. Wanted to see if I could do a rifle trade; I’ll write about this later.
I have scheduled this post to happen while I’m on the road. If anything changes from what I have written I’ll update it tomorrow.

★Pro-Hamas demonstrations and encampments (see photo). There’s something odd about those campus tent encampments. Almost all the tents are identical – the same design, size, and fresh-out-of-the-box appearance.
This suggests that rather than an organic process in which students would bring a variety of individual tents, someone or some organization has supplied them and organized the event.
It would be instructive if we could determine who that someone is.
These are choreographed events by hidden actors rather than spontaneous demonstrations, and the students, sincere though they may be, are merely manipulated props. — Excuses And Accusations by Larry Lambert

I’m probably the last person to know that Lafayette’s name was — Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier marquis de Lafayette

Sometimes when I look back on my life I’m seriously impressed that I’m still alive.
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. — Harry s. Truman