Nasruddin was traveling with a large caravan full of strangers. To make it easy for everyone to recognize him, he wore a string of eggplants around his neck. Everyone started calling him “Mr. Eggplant,” but at least they all knew at a glance who he was.
One night the person sleeping on the ground next to Nasruddin decided to play a joke. He took Nasruddin’s eggplant necklace and put it around his own neck.
When Nasruddin woke up, he saw the eggplant necklace around the other man’s neck.
“If that is me,” he thought to himself, “then who am I?”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

I went to Sierra Vista this morning for an appointment with VA Audio for an ear cleaning and hearing check up. First stop was at Café OLé for breakfast. Had not been there for over four months but when I sat down my waitress asked if I wanted my usual and that is what she brought me. From there it was to the Pet Corral where I made an appointment for Erik’s bath. It was then that I went to the VA and got an ear cleaning and hearing aid tweaks. This did not take long and the grocery gathering at Safeway was done quickly as was the stop in the UPS Store. There I picked up my new license plates and dropped of the receipt that I got from Double Adobe Campground that also stated that I was a resident of the Campground. This I hope will satisfy the requirements of USPS 1583; I’ll find out later. On the way out of town I stopped at a car wash where Desperado had been washed before but they said they now do not wash RVs.

This is a spot on posting that I recommend.
One of the greatest myths about “free markets” is that enterprises create products and services to meet the needs of consumers. That sounds nice but that’s not what happens in monopoly-cartel dominated economies like ours. In monopoly-cartel dominated economies like ours, what actually happens is the monopoly / cartel (i.e. a handful of quasi-monopolies that completely dominate their sector) limit their offerings to the most profitable products and services and force customers to buy them by making it impossible to find better-value options.
Monopoly-cartel dominated economies like ours are rife with intentionally shoddy quality products and services because durability is anathema to ever-higher profits. By designing products and services to fail—planned obsolescence—or become obsolescent by other meansmdash;your product is no longer supported—monopolies / cartels force consumers to constantly replace failed or timed-out products. — The Growing Rebellion Against Costly, Low-Quality, Overly-Complex Technology by Charles Hugh Smith
It sounds like you had a productive day.I hope the USPS issue will not be a problem any more, -Mary
The current USPS might be fixed but I don’t know yet. However, my mailing address issues will continue because the UPS Store where my PMB is located will be moving to a different address. That means changing the address on my drivers license and registration, auto insurance, Social Security, bank and probably more that I can not think of right now.