A beggar eating a crust of stale bread stood next to a shish-kebab vendor, inhaling deeply. The smell made even his stale bread taste good.
“You must pay for the smell!” shouted the vendor.
When the poor man couldn’t pay, the vendor took him to court.
Nasruddin was the judge.
He listened to them both, and then he took some coins from his pocket, cupped his hands, and shook the coins.
“Do you hear that sound?” he asked the vendor.
“Yes,” said the vendor, perplexed.
“The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the meat. Case dismissed!”
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

So last time we said many things about the specific causes that we recalled the first third world debt crisis, and then we talked about the second one.
And just some of the ideas that we had about the differences between the two is, of course, there’s a greater extent of financialization today.
And also there are many similarities, of course, the vast availability of money in the first world countries, the inability to invest it in first world countries, the essentially touting of loans to third world countries, all these are common.
But we are looking, of course, at a much greater degree of financialization. So that’s one of the main differences.
But let’s launch into the third question, are third world countries responsible for their own plight? — Economic Interference In The Global South by Michael Hudson

I haven’t quoted from Americas Elites Are Dangerous Fringe by Diogenes’ Middle Finger; just recommend that you read it.

The funnest memes are those that are true; an example.
If Joe Biden goes to prison, it will be his first complete sentence.