One night Nasruddin found the judge lying drunk in a ditch. Chuckling, he took the judge’s brand-new shoes. They were just the right size!
The next day the judge complained that robbers had ambushed him. “They stole my brand-new shoes!” he yelled.
Nasruddin then strolled into court wearing the judge’s shoes.
“Where did you get those?” the judge demanded.
“I met a drunken man last night, and he insisted I take them,” Nasruddin replied with a smile. “Do you know who he is? I’ll gladly return them. He was, I’m afraid, very drunk.”
The judge glared at Nasruddin in reply.
This Tale is from “Tiny Tales of Nasruddin” by Laura Gibbs. The book is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. © 2019-2022 Laura Gibbs.

I drove to the Wagon Wheel Saloon in Tacna, AZ this morning for breakfast. I wanted to see what the ‘town’ was like although I had stopped at Jacs Whistle Stop on 13 February 2016 for breakfast after leaving Yuma. I also wanted to check on Gonzo’s Tacna Market for which the web provides conflicting information e.g. open, closed, only a restaurant, restaurant and small store. Also stopped at a RV Park and made inquiries about a stay. While there I was told that Gonzo’s was just a convenience market and the ‘restaurant’ only offered burritos; it caters to the farm workers. I didn’t stop.
It stated raining last night around midnight and is still raining off and on at 10:30 this morning. Had to use the windshield wipers both go to and from Tacna. I then got a little wet while reconnecting to electric in the park. It has never rained very hard but it has been persistent. The local reporting station claims that there has been 0.19″ fall so far which is nothing for most places in the world but the average annual rain fall here is 4″ so that is a big deal.