Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: March 24, 1935

“If Jesus Christ were amongst them, they would deceive him,” it was said of the plunders, raiders, and outlaws who terrorized the Anglo-Scottish Border for over 300 years. Theirs is an almost forgotten chapter of British history, preserved largely in folktales and ballads.

The WHY of things. (From WW3, Clown-World Edition by Capitalist Eric)
If you don’t understand the “why” of things, you will never be able to fully understand what’s happening; your conclusions will be merely reflections of your own biases.
- The Western elitist banksters have maintained utter control of their respective financial currencies; this debt-slavery system is the basis of their power. It has been, for all intents and purposes, their private playground. This power has been used to buy anyone they want, in government, the military, the media, anyone they want.
- The Western banking system is based on debt issuance. It is dying rapidly. The entire fiat-money system, a Ponzi scheme of epic proportions, is now so heavily overloaded with bad debt that it is collapsing under its own weight. Countries who don’t use that funny-money as their sovereign currency but have been forced to utilize dollars/euros/yen for international trade, are busily switching to alternative currencies from countries that produce something besides fiat money. In other words, the demand for the Western currencies is rapidly declining.
- The much-touted “Great Reset” is a plan to depopulate the world (1st and 2nd world through vaccinations, the 3rd through starvation), and reset the financial system back to zero, so that everyone begins in the new system with zero debt… and zero property or possessions. The “Great Reset” will usher in the new trackable and controllable fiat-money currency, where they decide what and when you can buy approved products. And if you speak out against whatever bullshit the bankster-owned government is selling (which will be tallied via a Chinese-style social credit system) your money could be reduced, confiscated or flagged for your arrest the next time you go shopping with their new digital currency. You’ll toe their line, or you’ll starve.
- The “Great Reset,” where everyone will adopt this bitter pill of slavery, will only be accepted if people are desperate for government intervention due to starvation, lack of energy (heat for your home, gas for your car) or disease. And it will only be accepted if there’s no alternative currency which people can utilize to maintain some level of purchasing power without “Big Brother” watching over your shoulder, and deciding what you can- or cannot- purchase. The Russian ruble is exactly such an alternative.
- The BRICS countries- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa- have resisted globalist efforts to become part of the Western banking system, and are now challenging that system, with currencies backed by commodities instead of the worthless promise of more fiat money. Thus, the represent a viable alternative to the “Great Reset” agenda, one which dooms the efforts to re-start the fiat money system from zero- with the same elitist banksters at the helm.
- The BRICS countries therefore represent an escape from the fiat-money system, and therefore are mortal enemies of the banksters, which have built their empire over the past 208 years. They must therefore be destroyed by the West, using whatever means necessary, at whatever cost is required in lives (but who cares about us debt-slaves, anyway?).
- The BRICS countries- most openly represented by Russia at this point in time- are not about to join the system, and now realize that it is- literally- a fight to the death for them, as well.
- Therefore, neither side will back down, the escalation will continue, up to and including nuclear weapons.

Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class — whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy. — Politics as Repeat Phenomenon: Bene Gesserit Training Manual — Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
Just notice your memorial to Patches in the right hand column. Nice photo. She was a pretty girl and quite the sweetheart. Sorry.
Saw your photo of Patches on your sidebar. I’ll always remember the day I brought her to my house in SV while you were at an appointment. She was a great dog.